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Nothing Special
Citation:   IowaPunker. "Nothing Special: An Experience with Calamus (exp14372)". Erowid.org. Jan 27, 2004. erowid.org/exp/14372

  oral Calamus (plant material)
I have a friend 'Y' who is a native to a third-world country. He makes his annual trip back home every March. One day we were joking about his region's drug culture so I asked him what substances were commonly found in his region. 'Calamus and hashish,' Y replied. I had smoked hashish many times but had never tried calamus. I had only read about it. I asked him if he could bring me back some calamus blossoms. He said sure, but I didn't think anything of it--until he returned.

I was amazed--I never thought in a million years that something as little-known to the world as Sweet Flag would fall into my hands. It was dried and had a brownish-green color. Very fleshy feeling, with a slightly pungeant aroma. I was clueless as to what to do with it so I chopped it up into bite-size pieces and ate it. This was quite a feat--never tasted anything so bitter in my life. Anyhow I managed to choke them down and keep them there for about 2-3 hours.

There isn't much to tell about this experience...I could closely relate it to what I've read about chewing Khat leaves. Tingled in mouth like a jalepeno pepper. It was a pleasant speed high, but not intense euphoria like amphetamine, and not jittery nonsense like a high dose of caffeine. It was barely there, but I knew I felt more energized and in-touch with the world. Also I had a touch of the flu at the time and it made me feel somewhat healthier--till I puked it all up within 2-3 hours.

Sweet Flag was nothing special. I might do it again if it doesn't make me sick, and I'll probably take a higher dose. That is, if I ever see 'Y' again.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 14372
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 27, 2004Views: 11,906
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