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Second Time's The Charm
Citation:   Hector the Crow. "Second Time's The Charm: An Experience with Cannabis (exp14381)". Jan 8, 2003.

  oral Cannabis (edible / food)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
This report details my second experience with pot cookies. I’m writing this six days later, so the memory isn’t as fresh as it could be.

Well, J. told me this new batch she had was way stronger than the last batch, and I felt my last trip (and first stoned experience) was too “intense” anyway, so I took what seemed to be a third of a cookie at about 9:30 in the morning. It was an hour and a half later that I started getting nervous and jittery. I figured the main effects were imminent, but nothing happened – just jitteriness for about half an hour. I played the piano for a while to calm myself down which seemed to work. I figured I had taken a sub-threshold dose. About two hours after the first dose, I took a second third. Nothing happened for another hour at which point I took the last third. Surely something will happen with this added to the mix, I thought. It was about three hours after my first dose.

I believe it was another half hour later that it hit me. I was downloading MP3s for J. on her computer (tracks from the soundtrack to Diva) when I started to notice the familiar effects: light headedness, warmth, a definite buzzing sensation (I finally understood what a “buzz” was!). But this time there was no panic, head rush, or sense of immanent passing out. I suspect that the dramatic reaction which signaled the onset of my first trip was fueled by anxiety at the novelty of it all – figures. I was now somewhat accustomed to the physical sensations, and able to roll with them. Soon after the effects began, J.’s kids came home from school and the place became a little hectic, but I was left alone most of the time in the computer room.

Mentally, I was fucked up right from the start. Silly, rambling, less inhibition, suggestable, prone to irrational fears and crazy ideas, prone to mindless giggling fits – I laughed hysterically at Bruce McCulloch’s “The Biggest Crouton I Ever Saw” (well it’s pretty damn funny when sober, but HILARIOUS when stoned). The out-of-body analgesic effects and time dilation (which I believe are closely related, the former causing the latter) were strong from the start. I felt entirely out-of-control and that was a little disturbing. Jitteriness came and went. I spent the next hour alternating between lying on the couch and typing my rambling thoughts on J.’s computer with a manic drive. I listened to some music: The Diva soundtrack, my own compositions from, and some Liszt I downloaded from AudioGalaxy – I couldn’t concentrate for very long, and it sounded tinny and distant (although that was probably because of the crappy speakers).

During my time on the couch I closed my eyes and watched for the visuals. It was much like my last time (and only reference for this experience) – visual and kinetic motifs were recapitulated and expanded on, although I believe that in this instance the daylight robbed them of a certain vividness. If I concentrated with eyes open, I could just barely visualize the moving patterns blending with the features of the room (and I mean JUST BARELY, this is not what I would call hallucination – the very low end of the visual spectrum if it’s on the spectrum at all.) J. was busy dealing with her kids so I didn’t get much conversation in. I browsed the ‘net a lot, going to familiar sites, reading Erowid and Plastic, downloading psychedelic screensavers and games.

J. took her kids to A&W and she brought me back a Mozzaburger at my request. I wasn’t particularly hungry and chewing the burger felt very strange, but it tasted good (no better than it ever does, but certainly no worse) and I eventually finished it. An hour or two after the trip began, all jitteriness had subsided and I was feeling remarkable calm and sedated (far more than I’m ever accustomed to feeling while sober). I sat outside for a while just watching people move about in the yard, feeling perfectly comfortable and content – the cold and wind didn’t bother me (although I don’t know if they would have anyway, neither was particularly strong).

I started to become more lucid in the evening although I was far from crisp. I hung out with J. in her office for a while (she tried her hand at Tetripz). Two things of note here: One – television seemed not a surreal babbling idiot box but a gateway to sanity (with commercials that were just as annoying as when I’m sober). Two – I noticed that even though somewhat sedated, feelings of depression, frustration, and jealousy would break through if provoked.

I smoked a joint outside with J. that night (I’m still not sure if I’ve got the knack for sucking in that smoke, but I did cough once, I think that means I’m on the right track). Being as I was already fucked up, I’m unsure how much it really affected me, but I seemed to lose my newfound lucidity a few minutes later and turn back into a rambling imbecile with poor motor control.

I left J.’s house late that night – the walk was very nice – that floating feeling persisted, I was in high spirits. I would say, an ‘artificial euphoria’ as opposed to my unpredictable ‘natural euphorias’, except there must have been some element of the natural in it, seeing as how I’d had what I would call a “good day”. I got home and puttered around a bit before going to bed and listening to music on my brand-spankin’new headphones. I’m not sure if the music really sounded any better than normal, and if it did, it may just be because I’d been listening with broken headphones on my computer the day before and crappy speakers on J.’s computer the day just completed – but I remember enjoying what I heard a lot. One of the MP3s that my randomized playlist selected was the fourth movement from Beethoven’s Ode to Joy symphony, and I remember feeling more appreciative of the piece than I’d ever been before – at that moment, I would have agreed that it was the greatest masterpiece ever written (normally, I’m not so sure). Every note sounded clean and perfect, all the counterpoint seemed to seep into my ears with autonomous perfection – but I’m not sure if this is the ideal way to listen to music, as I felt a sense of unity within the structure was lost – or maybe I’m just spouting pedantic bullshit here, since it’s been a while since the experience, and I can’t really remember if “a sense of unity” was in fact lost. Anyway, I listened to a few more tunes, then went to sleep.

When I woke up, I felt the floaty effects still with me. When I began typing, I realized my body was numb – pretty much as numb as it had been throughout the peak of the trip. This feeling (or lack thereof) persisted throughout the day, along with a mild sedation. I went to an accursed social function that evening and spoke with the only person I knew there (wondering if I seemed slightly drunk). When this conversation was done, I resumed my status as an awkward, anti-social self-imposed exile and spent the next hour sitting on a chair in the corner of the room, forcefully deadpan, writhing in mental agony and recording my thoughts in a notebook in a pen scratching frenzy. I felt simultaneously sedated and energetic – apathetic and tormented. I saw J. there – she gave me some tic tacs. I ate a few, then started writing about the TIC TAC REGIME – a damn fine surrealist rant if I do say so myself. This triggered a glorious bout of cool ego-mania that I enjoyed and attempted to ride on the strength of. There came a point however when I refused to hang around anymore. I went home.

Next day, same story. The low-level anesthesia persisted. Light touches like scratching my face, adjusting my clothes, toweling off my hands, and typing on a keyboard were barely felt at all – pain was somewhat muted, but not significantly (so this ain’t no practical painkiller). Yes, it was kind of cool, but two fucking days of that shit was starting to annoy me. I never realized the worth of tactile stimuli until it was taken from me.

The next day I was unsurprised but disappointed to feel no ebb in the lingering physical effects. I just wanted to FEEL again – feel normally, you know? Not this pale, half-processed feedback. I wondered if I could have permanently fucked up one of my senses. I worried that I’d get used to feeling this way and come to think of it as normal (and thus forget there was ever a vivid world of touch beyond this dullened haze – a world that was painful sometimes, but one I wouldn’t want to forsake forever). I felt highly energetic that day (sedation didn’t seem to be lingering), happily engaging in housework and the chores of personal hygiene I don’t often undergo.

Today (six days later) – I’m pretty sure the anesthesia is fading (thank God). In this aftermath, I feel more in control of my altered states and eager to explore them again, but dosage and timing schemes still seem to have unpredictable results.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 14381
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 8, 2003Views: 18,146
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