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Fast Train
Ecstasy & Caffeine
Citation:   Coolvibe. "Fast Train: An Experience with Ecstasy & Caffeine (exp1441)". Feb 16, 2001.

T+ 0:00
2 glasses oral Caffeine (liquid)
  T+ 1:00 1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 4:00 1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
It was queensday. Queensday is a nation wide festivity in The Netherlands, where I'm from, and of course there was a party I was invited to.

At the party I realized that there was Jolt Cola present. Jolt Cola is very hard to get in The Netherlands, so I went to sample it. A few cans later somebody offered me some XTC. Having enjoyed previous experiences with the drug, I accepted and I swallowed it down with some JC. I was already quite buzzed from the caffeine when the MDMA started to kick in. This is when it started.

My mind went at light speed, and so was the music. Everything was very clear, went very fast, and felt very cool. My face felt cold at my own touch, yet when I touched somebody else that person felt very warm. It was a serious buzz. I liked it.

My conversations with other people livened up as well. I remember talking about cryptography and steganography with someone with great interest. That person started to explain, using metaphores an analogies, and I just saw them clearly in my minds' eye, visualizing it all the way, but no hallucinations. Pure imagination. wow

After a few hours the XTC was dimming down a bit, and I decided to take another hit. After about 30 minutes I noticed it was kicking in. Like a warm blanket slipping across my skin, engulfing me. People noticed and said they noticed that whatever I was taking, was working. I couldn't stop smiling and I felt like hugging people. So I did. Very pleasant. I also drank maybe one beer, which had no noticeable effect.

The combination of lots of caffeine and MDMA is interesting, especially because the caffeine dims down earlier than the XTC does, after the caffeine buzz dies down, XTC takes the upper hand. The second hit of XTC was also very pleasant, and really had that huggy-feely effect on me.

Would I do it again? Probably, but I'd dim down on the caffeine, because in the beginning it scared me a little. I thought I was having heart palpitations, but it appeared that my heart was just beating fast in excitement.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 1441
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 16, 2001Views: 13,864
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MDMA (3), Caffeine (11) : Festival / Lg. Crowd (24), Combinations (3)

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