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First the Warmth
by Nicu
Citation:   Nicu. "First the Warmth: An Experience with Alcohol (exp14442)". Apr 10, 2006.

  repeated oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
  1 oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
Every September, my town throws a weekend-long festival celebrating the town's history. It's apparently one of the five largest gatherings in Minnesota, or something. Thousands of slightly overweight tourists descend upon the town, pretty much shutting everything down. This all takes place at the beginning of the school year, and it's always the first 'event' that high schoolers use as an excuse to drink. It was during this weekend that I got drunk for the first time.

Two friends of mine, who I will refer to as 'Nick' and 'Paul' had invited me to 'get fucked up' with them, and I enthusiastically said yes. Having heard of the evils of underage drinking for years, I was understandably curious about it. I told my parents that I would be staying the night at Paul's house, and took off.

After obtaining alcohol, we wandered through the crowds of people downtown for a while, and then made our way towards a friend's ('Tim') apartment. We threw an Aphex Twin album on the stereo and took out our alcohol. I was pretty nervous, as I had heard numerous stories about how terrible this shit tasted, etc. I took a timid swig of Limon and quickly washed it down with some Sprite.

It didn't taste that awful! My friends congratulated me on my first sip of alcohol, and each had some too. They passed the bottle back to me, and I took several more shots. I would estimate that I had roughly four shots of the Limon.

I wasn't feeling any effects from the alcohol, asides from a pleasantly warm belly. We sat around talking for a few minutes, and Tim asked us if we wanted a beer. I took one, and drank it in a little under two minutes. Paul turned on a television and began playing Goldeneye. I walked over to join him, and sat down in an antique weelchair that served was used as a chair, I guess. At this exact moment, I began to feel the alcohol.

As I sank into the chair, I felt as though I was sinking or falling into it. I turned my head around, and was surprised to find that it felt incredibly heavy. My ears were filled with a buzzing sound, and I felt pleasantly happy. I talked with Paul for several minutes, and found that everything he said was unbelievably funny. After a few more minutes of Goldeneye, we decided to go outside and mingle with the crowds of revelers.

As I got out of the wheelchair, I felt really undsteady, and I was sure that I was about to fall over. We walked out of the apartment and down the two flights of stairs to the street. I was now feeling really excited, and I couldn't wait to see what the night had in store for us. I'm usually fairly quiet, but tonight I was keeping up a steady stream of wisecracks and conversation.

Paul and I spilled out onto the street, and realized that Nick and Tim had decided to bring the wheelchair with them. We laughed long and hard at this, and decided that it would be fun to trick tourists into thinking that Tim was a cripple. We took turns pushing him around, and then got bored. We walked a block to a coffee shop and decided to chill there for a while. By this point, I was feeling really euphoric, as well as slightly off balance. We walked into the coffeeshop and sat down at a table. A girl I knew from school waved at me, and I gave a confused wave back. I was sure that I knew her, but I couldn't remember her name. I began running threw a list of every girl's name that I could think of, and eventually remembered that she was named 'Anna'.

We spent around half an hour in the coffee shop, at which point we met up with a few other friends. Nick had decided that tonight he had to try to find some marijuana, and when we saw two notorious local stoners, he offered to trade some of our alcohol for some of his pot. they obliged, and handed us a bag of what turned out to be really shitty weed. We walked back to the apartment and staggered up the stairs. When we found the apartment door locked, we weren't exactly sure what to do. I had the brilliant idea to hoist one of the stoners up on our shoulders, and have him wiggle into an open window above the door. Paul and I stood facing the wall, and the stoner jumped up on our shoulders, disappearing into the apartment. Nick sat down against a wall, laughing his head off.

The Stoner's head appeared in the window, and he informed us that he couldn't find the door. He jumped out of the window, as Paul and I realized that we had lifted him into the wrong apartment. Fortunately no one was home. We walked down the hall and let ourselves into Tim's apartment. I helped myself to another shot of Bacardi, and we just sat around and chilled for a while.

It was now getting pretty late, and we decided that it was time to head over to Paul's house. He and I left the group, and walked the few blocks to his house. I found it difficult to walk in a straight line, and was overjoyed, as this meant I must be pretty damn drunk.

We let ourselves in, and snuck past his sleeping parents. I immedately fell asleep, and didn't wake up for around ten hours. When I woke up the next morning, I was pleased to find that I wasn't the least bit hungover. We talked about the night's events, and decided that we'd have to do it again soon. I went home, feeling incredibly proud of myself. It was though I had passed a major event in my life, like getting a driver's license or graduating from high school.

That was around a year and a half ago. Since than I have had enjoyable experiences with both alcohol and marijuana. I've also learned my limits after a couple of bad experiences. I'm proud to say that I haven't turned into a complete fiend, like my DARE officer told me I would. I was recently named a National Merit Scholarship semi-finalist, and am beginning to seriously look at colleges. I feel lucky to have had such an enjoyable first-time mind altering experience, and I look forward to having many more nights like the one I described.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 14442
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 10, 2006Views: 11,317
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Alcohol (61) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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