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I Love Opiates!
Citation:   I.B. Surprised. "I Love Opiates!: An Experience with Hydrocodone (exp1449)". Erowid.org. Sep 11, 2000. erowid.org/exp/1449

52 mg oral Hydrocodone (extract)
Let me start off by saying I love opiates, having smoked Opium, and used codeine, and Oxycodone before. I stumbled upon a bottle of hydrocodone/acetaminophen prescription. Per tablet 7.5mg of hydrocodone, and 750mg of acetaminophen. I know aceta is hard on the liver in high doses, and its hard to get high on small amounts of prescription opiates, so I decided to use the same extraction method suggested in the codeine faq. I knew this would work because all opiates dissolve well in cold water, where as aceta does not. So I dissolved 7 tablets and filtered it.

The solution was very bitter and almost horrid, but not nearly as bad as stomaching nutmeg! Well, about 30 mins went by and I felt that familiar opiate buzz come on. About 15 mins after this, I was feeling comfortably stoned...the best opiate high I have ever experienced, including smoking synthesized opium. The feeling resembles being very drunk at the same time as being warm all over, numb, and overcome by intense eupohoria.!
Not a care in the world when high on opiates. I watched TV and browsed the web. I stayed high all night. At times, I experienced nausea, but this goes away while lying down. The next day, I awoke around 10:00AM. I had taken the dope at about 10:00 PM the night before and fell asleep, still high as a kite, at 3:30AM. I felt very sick to my stomach and vomited twice in the morning, which helps you feel better. The nausea I experienced disappeared at about 1:00PM. Nausea is expected after an intense opiate experience if one isn't a constant user...this is because your body is withdrawing from the drug, which is why addiction occurs. But I find that the nausea associated with opiates like hydrocodone, oxycodone, and codeine are very worth the intense high and stoned euphoria one recieves. I can't wait for my next opportunity to get high from prescription opiates. I wonder how much better heroin can really be.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 1449
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 11, 2000Views: 80,152
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Hydrocodone (111) : General (1), Alone (16)

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