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DMT via Vaporizer
Citation:   Wendy. "DMT via Vaporizer: An Experience with DMT (exp14634)". May 14, 2002.

  smoked DMT (powder / crystals)
I had about a gram of DMT last summer, after extracting from Mimosa hostilis root bark. Anyway, I went through the agony of smoking it for several months when I decided to purchase a vaporizer. This is the kind used by marijuana smokers. Besides being the ideal way to smoke 5-meo-DMT, it also works well with DMT. There is no burning of the lungs and the taste is actually pleasant. You should let the chamber fill completely first. I found no decrease in intensity as opposed to smoking. Incidentally, the most soothing of all DMT experiences can be had following 5-meo-dmt (about 10 minutes). While there is cross-tolerance, if you have enough DMT on hand, it is a very fluidic and colorful experience, although someone is tempted to smoke too much. This method does not produce the intensity, more a dream like and colorful experience that reminded me of the 'candy light' of ayahuasca. My eyes were closed and I saw the same fractal lights of ayahuasca.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 14634
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 14, 2002Views: 18,631
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DMT (18) : Unknown Context (20), General (1)

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