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The Best 30 Seconds of My Life
Cannabis & Nitrous Oxide
by M
Citation:   M. "The Best 30 Seconds of My Life: An Experience with Cannabis & Nitrous Oxide (exp14656)". Sep 23, 2017.

    Amphetamines (daily)
  3 bowls smoked Cannabis  
  3 carts. inhaled Nitrous Oxide  
For the past 2 years I have been a major pot head, but adamantly refused to do other drugs recreationally (I'm on Adderall for add). My older brother S had recently tried nitrous, and raved about it. I was still a little skeptical and worried about the damage it would do to me.

Well, when I went to visit him over my spring break, four of his frat brothers, my 15 y/o brother, and me and S were chilling in a lounge, listening to Radiohead, and smoking from the four foot bong and 5 gallon gravity bong. After we were pretty baked, my the frat brothers pulled out a box of chargers and a cracker with a balloon. In my state of mind, I was still a little skeptical about inhaling the gas, especially with my younger brother sitting right next to me, but I hadn't taken my Adderall that day so I wasn't worried about having too many drugs in my system.

After all of the frat brothers went, it was my turn. I decided to give it a try, and they cracked the charger into the balloon for me. I breathed out all the air in my lungs and put the balloon to my mouth and sucked in as I had never done before, re-inhaling the gas several times as I had been instructed.

All of a sudden, time stopped. Every sensory organ in my body started working in overdrive.
Every sensory organ in my body started working in overdrive.
I heard the music with more clarity, felt every touch with more sense of it, smelled the delicious marijuana more intensely, etc... It was like every feeling, sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell were multiplied by 5 million.

Then I started to come down. I still had a nice happy buzz for about 5 minutes, but the intensity was diminishing. While I had been tripping, the bong was still being passed around, and I had a few more hits. It still felt weird that the kid brother was present, especially since he was complaining about how he wanted to try inhaling (we didn't let him), but I was baked out of mind.

About 15 minutes later the cracker came back to me. This time I cracked it for myself, and inhaled the wonderful gas even more and held it even longer. The wonderful feeling returned to me, and this time lasted a little longer, maybe a full minute before starting to dissipate, and the buzz lasted longer too.

Again I smoked as the cracker made its way around the circle, and I think I reached a more profound high than ever before. On my last charger, I inhaled the gas again, and the same wonderful feeling came. I was in sheer bliss, ecstasy if you will. I'm still shocked that I remember the experience I was so baked, but I think that the nitrous helped with my memory as I almost never remember what happened when I get completely baked.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 14656
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 23, 2017Views: 2,151
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Nitrous Oxide (40) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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