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God, the Devil, Some Tea and a Scone
Citation:   nashyel. "God, the Devil, Some Tea and a Scone: An Experience with Ketamine (exp14903)". Feb 27, 2018.

3 bumps insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  2 lines insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
I had limited my experiences before to the more common recreational drugs (ie weed, coke, etc), but a college friend of mine into the rave scene started to mention a new drug called Ketamine. He said that Ketamine would enable me to talk w/ other-worldly beings. I read up on it and decided that it would be worth a try. I prepared myself for my journey w/ fasting. I prefer my psychonaut trips in the dark and waited until my wife had gone to bed as to have the 'world' to myself.

I began small taking a few bumps followed later by a couple of lines. The effects came quicker than I had expected. I had just enough coordination to make it into bed before I lost control. I'm glad I didn't have to use the bathroom. The first concept of the experience I found pleasing was that unorganized noise was very pleasant. W/ this, I mean that normally I hate to fall asleep to music b/c my mind becomes to preoccupied w/ the notes and rhythms to relax. W/ ketamine, the white noise of my fan become second nature akin to a heartbeat. It was almost as if I became my fan whizzing around and around in a pulsating beat. I became cold and covered myself w/ a thick blanket. I could have chilled a soda can w/ my bare hands. I didn't seem to mind however.

I didn't want to move; I didn't care to move. My body became a good sense. W/o my body to focus on, my mind was able to achievef a most desirable mental state. I traveled through thick cloud to an unfamiliar place however inviting it may be. A whispy figure ushured me to a square table before taking the seat accross from me. I sound found myself in a conversation w/ two other individuals similiar yet different. I never felt so much love from two people ever. They chided each other while we shared a scone. God took her tea w/ milk while her sister preferred- it plain. The Devil disliked blueberries; so, I grabbed the scone. She was none too pleased. We discussed the reason behind their centuries of bickering, but they agreed to disagree. I was starting to feel again and losing my place in this etherial world. the acknowledged this and excused me from the table. As I left for home, they stood side-by-side waving me goodbye. I wondered how many people knew that good and evil were the same excepts for a few little details. I've talked to both occasionally since then and haven't come much closer to the truth. As long as the Devil doesn't learn to enjoy blueberries, I'll let her exist.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 14903
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 27, 2018Views: 1,172
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), First Times (2), Entities / Beings (37), Alone (16)

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