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Riding Hell's Millstone
Salvia divinorum (10x extract) & Cannabis
Citation:   Psychonovice. "Riding Hell's Millstone: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (10x extract) & Cannabis (exp14926)". Jun 2, 2002.

  smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 10x)
Setting: At a good friend's apartment

Mindset: Intense, expectant, nervous

Well.. I have no ambitions to even attempt explaining the effects of this herb. Other trippers who've been to the mind pulverizing outer zone of salvia has attempted to do so. Some of the descriptins of their experiences I can relate to. This was my second trip, I tried it earlier in the evening for the first time ( apprx. .1 gr.), and was then blown away by the effects, but it was in a much smaller dose than the second and nothing but a wonderful experience. I felt then the enormous potential of this drug, I was at the portal I felt, and I remember saying that I saw it. Also a feeling of well being, that my visit was expected. Total loss of body, and no sense of time and space. Drifting on a plane. Colors red and green.

With this in mind I decided to further exlore the salvia depths. The reader should know that this is only 60 min. after my virgin journey.

I was not prepared, and I also refuse to believe that there is such a thing as preparation for that experience, We in our human form, still in our wetware, cannot understand or prepare. Psychonaut or not, the combo cannabis oil and 10x salvia smoked in a 2 foot water bong ( The oil was mixed in tobacco and smoked appr. 2 hours earlier, but distinctly present buzz while hitting the Salvia) will, I belive, knock you out.

Keywords from my second session:

Loss of ego, and total loss of any reference to the actual physical world.

My soul was shattered, ground to pieces on a rotating hellwheel.

An infinite plane consisting of an infinite number of beewax-like geometrical capsules.

Strong feeling of matrixlike 'realer than real'

Reality thinly sliced, stacked and flipped lightspeed in front of your soul.

I was one amongst billions of fellow sufferers

Unrivalled terror, terror and terror

Eternity, I was a part of it and knew it would be spent in torment.

Seeing my eartly existence in glimpses of distorted pinhead sized stills, but knew that existence or whatever to be unreachable and just a mean to further trick and torment my soul.

A sense of great evil.

In one word: HELL

My sitter, although not familiar with salvia, is no stranger to other hallucinogenic substances. And also a grown nearly forty year old man. A kind and spiritual being. This man had NEVER seen everything remotely like this. He tried to ground me and reach through, but couldn't. He said that I had tipped of the couch, and was rolling on the floor screaming and speaking in an unknown language. I had also tried escaping his apartment (3 steep staircases straight down), knocked over his standing lamp, and mirror on the wall. I havo no recollection whatsoever of any of this He was freightened and shaking even when I left him T+80 min. (2nd session) He suggested a debrief in a couple of days.

Do not try this dosage if you're not 100% convinced you can ride this hellwheel, I can very well imagine an unstable character could ride his way all the way into a full blown clinical psychosis.

Should this herb be spread worldwide to every teenage pothead's stashbox. I think not.

A quote from The Hitchhikers guide should'd followed every little green bag of 10X Salvia:

Do not be alarmed.....BE VERY, VERY FRIGHTENED

Note: 1 tab. of zoplicone (Imvane) was 7.5 mg was ingested T-3 hours

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 14926
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 2, 2002Views: 7,080
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Difficult Experiences (5)

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