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Pipes of Piperazines
Cannabis, BZP & TFMPP
Citation:   >0-0<. "Pipes of Piperazines: An Experience with Cannabis, BZP & TFMPP (exp14942)". Oct 27, 2004.

0.5 bowls smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  20 mg smoked BZP (powder / crystals)
  10 mg smoked TFMPP (powder / crystals)
Well I was bored so I decided to try smoking the 2:1combo of BZP/TFMPP. I knew it was hcl and not fb but I decided to give it a shot seeing as how most hcls are still effective when smoked just not as good as freebase.

I tested a small hit (maybe 5-7mg of the premixed combo) to see what it would taste like, not bad. So I pack a 1/4 bowl of dank and about 15mg of the combo. I inhale slowly until all the powder boils down onto the pot and I keep the flame over the combo. I hold it in, noticable, but nothing bad, much better than say PCP or K smoked (and I dont mind either of them). After exhaling I notice a little bit of a difference, could be just psychosomatic. I load another 1/4 bowl and another 15-20mg of combo, could be more or less I've never weighed the stuff, just went on small trial doses. Took 2 more big pulls and waited to see what would happen. I feel very spaced out right now. I have a little more of a rush, definitely more than just pot but not a huge mind blowing difference, just enough.

I feel lighter now than I would if I was just stoned. It's only been about 4-5min after smoking. My lungs feel like I did some damage, not painful but very tight and I feel slightly short of breathe. I can feel my blood pumping thru my brain like I could easily check my pulse from my head. My pulse seemed to be pumping quite strong. I'm starting to space out pretty hard, all and all nothing all that great. It's starting to turn into a headache feeling. I dont know if I should smoke any more, it would probably just increase the threshold headache to an actual headache. I know that with PCP if I only smoke enough for a threshold effect I'll get a headache, but I dont think this is a simular case.

It takes away some of the lethargy that pot gives me and and definitely added something, trouble focusing eyes, a slight headache, a real spaced out feeling, nothing worth while. Perhaps at a higher dosage it would turn out to be a lot better but I don't think I'll bother, this stuff has got to be really bad for your lungs. As far as smoking chems go none of seem that bad except AMT, you think it smells vile normal, when it burns, that smell sticks eewww. I think I'll stick to smoking 5meoDMT and PCP as far as smoking chems are concerned, they're the only chems that produce the best high when smoked.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 14942
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 27, 2004Views: 17,357
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BZP (101), TFMPP (100) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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