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Small but Worth It
Citation:   anonymous. "Small but Worth It: An Experience with Oxycodone (exp15101)". Nov 19, 2018.

  oral Oxycodone
Minor Exycodone Expierence

My very first time experimenting with oxycodone was after a family member had received some oxycodone 5mg/350mg APAP tablets. They went unused because the person who had received them for pain treatment had adverse reactions to narcotics so they went unused.

I had initialy experimented with 1 pill, then 2, then 2 crushed and mixed into water. All these experiences were pleasant except for minor itchy feeling. I never took more than two because of the large amount of APAP which is not good stuff to be taken in large doses, very hard on the stomache.

Then one night I had discovered a crude APAP water extraction method. After completing one extraction I drank the solution and down a glass of water. The effects came on pretty smooth. Felt very relaxed and my body just sort of tingled. Everything was at ease and tingly, very relaxing. Overall my experience wasn't very strong, but enough to gain some appreciation. Just felt like being all wrapped in a warm blanket all snuggled up with a soothing warmth accompanied by a fuzzy feeling. All in all it was well worth it except I have noticed that my neck gets sore. I'm not sure why this happens but my neck muscles seem to get tense.

A previous time when I had tooken two the next morning I woke up with a really sore neck that stayed with me through the day. Oxycodone in small doses is very relaxing. A kind of come home from a long day take a small 20mg 25mg dose and just sit back and relax. Definitely worth it. Although I have not taken any barbituates in large doses I would think that this can be potentially addictive, but in a nice small dose its nothing, but relaxing with no general craving afterwords. All in all a minor experience, but well worth a try for any unexperienced barbituate users looking for a sample taste of this completely relaxed world.

[Author estimates taking between 15 and 20 mg during entirety of the experience.]

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 15101
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 19, 2018Views: 1,276
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Oxycodone (176) : General (1), Retrospective / Summary (11), Personal Preparation (45), Unknown Context (20)

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