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Foxyflippin at a Party
5-MeO-DiPT, MDMA (Ecstasy), Cannabis & GBL
Citation:   Anonymous. "Foxyflippin at a Party: An Experience with 5-MeO-DiPT, MDMA (Ecstasy), Cannabis & GBL (exp15158)". Jul 6, 2004.

T+ 0:00
12.5 mg oral 5-MeO-DiPT (capsule)
  T+ 0:59   repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 6:00 1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:59 6.0 ml oral GBL (liquid)
  T+ 10:00   oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 10:20 2.0 ml oral GBL (liquid)
One friday I was at a club and someone was selling 25 mg doses of 5meo dipt for 20 dollars. I spoke with him privately and was able to aquire a dose for 5 bucks (knowledge seems to get you so far in this world). The next day (since it was already late and I was rolling) I very carefully ground the gelcap with the foxy in it till it was a powder... on a mirror i split it into what i would call two very even doses. I proceeded to take the gelcap/foxy mixture and place it into two gelcaps in approx the same quantity. Assuming that the foxy and the gelcaps were evenly distributed, there were two 12.5 mg doses.

+ 0:00 At approx 4 pm I called a friend because we were going to go to a fairly large event that evening. We planned on practicing dancing before hand (we're both funk style dancers). I picked him up right after i took my dose and we went to an open amplitheater to dance.

+ 0:30 - + 1:00 We got there and began dancing at approx 4:30. My friend had some good weed on him so we started smoking a bowl. This got my visuals started. Since it was an amplitheater it was designed artistically with large geometric shapes of different colors. The patterns from the concrete started to slide off onto the grass and then the hills. My dancing was becoming VERY VERY interesting with many new and different patterns to the way I would dance. My body felt lighter and more fluid.

+ 1:15 - + 3:00 After dancing for a little while, we decided to head to my friends house. As we were sitting on his couch, my body high started to kick in... similar in some distant way to psilocybin and similar in some obvious way to 5meo dmt. I was reeling on his couch watching The Beatles Yellow Submarine for the first time. Everytime the movie would get epic or intense my body high would become so much i would feel that i could have popped. After a while we decided to smoke another bowl. This resulted in the visuals being enhanced dramatically and the patterns became much more sureal. I would stare at the scenes in the TV barely comprehending. A very powerful experience to be sure. His sister and her boyfriend got home at some point making me feel like a total idiot. All i could do is laugh at things that weren't there and be generally stupid. My friend informed them of our state, but it did only a little to calm me. I felt like going. The time was only 7 and the show started at 10. We decided to drive there anyway.

+ 3:00 - + 6:00 The drive to the show was... interesting. Of coarse we smoked another bowl because there was nothing better to do. On the way down I became completely engrossed by the mechanics of driving. So interesting how much we drive like cattle. You barely do anything in normal driving, you react to those around you until you reach your destination. My driving was fine, my reactions good. Always a bad idea to do, but i hadn't expected to feel quite the way I did. Drunk would be much much more difficult. Once we got to the location of the show and parked I felt free, I always do. Although we were stuck outside for quite a while, i still felt good.

+6:00 - + 10:00 It's always safe in parties because even though your fucked up, it's a place to be fucked up. Once we got in, I immediately began dancing. It felt good to move around a little bit and get funky. After the place really started filling up and i was feeling a little shut in, i decided to take the E. The first pill went down like it always does... gagging the whole time against that terrible flavor. As i started to come up, my visuals gained depth, simple swirling fractals became multifaceted gems of color moving everywhere. I danced like a true funk fiend, hooked on the feeling. I was able to really get down in many various ways. I saw a girl that had blown me off the week before, I let her off easy, no need to make her feel awkward caught in a lie. I wandered around dancing my hardest... at some point I felt a bit over run from all the substances and little food, so I got a candy bar and ate a bit of it. After this I took some gbl to fuel the E. Somehow that combination (very carefully) keeps me rollin nicely and helps me feel a little better the next day. This got me going great for a few more hours.

+10:00 - +12:00 Between all the substances and the atmosphere, i was having a great time. The pounding bass with the foxy, the people and the E, the dancing and the gbl. I had a sheen of sweat on me and felt like i was in a sauna. It felt great. I would dance and dance again, repeatedly showing my shit in a circle. I felt some regret for the damage i was surely doing to my body and contemplated a few months of sober partying. I sat down on some steps because I figured my body might need rest that I didn't feel the need for. Finishing my water bottle again I struck up conversation with a lovely lady that I have taken out a few times and am beginning a relationship with. Some how the feelings with everything else went quite well. After a bit of that conversation I returned to my home, the dancefloor. Took part of a crumbled pill of E and 20 min later 2 ml gbl. This brought my visuals to new heights. I was caught in rapture... in awe of a red ceiling with a simple spotlight on it, it was like a million glissening vibrant rubies all swirling around and pulsing to the music.

The venue, which i should have mentioned before was PERFECT for a drug experience. The opening of the place has a huge mural across a domed ceiling of clouds turning into a red storm and a darkening night. I sat staring at that ceiling for many a moment. I was absorbed repeatedly by visuals. I decided it would be best for my friend if he slept before work that day. I found him and we left. On the drive home, I made a wrong turn and ended up choosing a very roundabout drive home. On the way home I would see giant electrical towers and buildings over the highway. The highway we were on is a bit in the middle of nowhere so this was pretty odd. I would see giant structures made of glowing glisening colors... almost like they were massive illusions put on by some kind of show. Quite a spectacle. Upon getting home, sleep came slowly.

A unique and wonderful experience to be sure, just have to remember the damage it does to the body and brain. I don't really recommend people attempting to use substances the way I do, I have spent literally months and months reading the biology of substances and the psychological ramifications as well. That doesn't put me above mistakes, and i have been lucky to have not yet been in any bad situations. Although the combination of substances is wonderful, keep the foxy to a minimum..I believe it has DEFINITE psycotic side effects and delusions (moreso than anything else i've done and i've been around the block). Low doses are key and notice how long after dosing foxy I took the E. I also used an SSRI early the next day to keep seretonin reuptake channel damage to a minimum.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 15158
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 6, 2004Views: 8,040
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MDMA (3), 5-MeO-DiPT (57) : Rave / Dance Event (18), Combinations (3)

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