Will Definitely Repeat; No Real Visuals
AMT & 5-MeO-DiPT
Citation:   B-dawg. "Will Definitely Repeat; No Real Visuals: An Experience with AMT & 5-MeO-DiPT (exp15205)". Erowid.org. Jul 6, 2004. erowid.org/exp/15205

T+ 0:00
15 mg insufflated AMT (powder / crystals)
  T+ 2:30 15 mg oral 5-MeO-DiPT (liquid)
  T+ 3:00   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 4:00 2 hits smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Ok, today, I recieved my package with AMT and 5meo-dipt (foxy).

I should note that I have no psychadelic experience, and I only have experience with DXM (no visuals), ecstacy, Baby woodrose (no visuals), weed and alcohol. So, not a big array of things. I would compare this to ecstacy, in many ways.

I first took out the AMT, and divided it into 40 equal piles, so that each pile has 25mg in it. I i filled 20 capsules with 25mg each, and then I got tired of the whole process, and put the final 10 capsules with 50mg each. There was some leftover afterword, so I put it in a line, and snorted it. It looked like probably 15-20mg, in accordance to the size of the 25mg piles.

After I finished this, I brought out the foxy, and started dividing it. I must say, it appeared that there was more foxy than AMT, once it was all dumped out, but I cant be sure. [Erowid Note: see article on measured doses for comments about these methods of measuring] I divided them into 40 piles, just like I did with the AMT, but the thought of capsuling it all didnt get me too exicted. Also, the dose of foxy is like 10-15mg, as opposed to 30-40 for AMT, so even 25mg is too much. I decided to put 500mg of it back in the case it came in, for later use, and with the remaining 500mg, I sectioned off 250mg to go into a bottles of water with 250ml of water. I finished this, and proceeded to capsule the other 250mg, into 25mg sizes (which will have to half-sized when it comes time for ingestion).

So, my friends, J and M came over at about T+2:30 on the AMT. I was feeling very slight head buzz, and a very mild feeling of 'everything is all good.' At one point, at about the 2 hour mark, I saw a metal gate 'wiggle' which was pretty cool. That was it for the AMT. At about the 2:30 mark when my friends arrived, i didnt really notice anything from the AMT. So, I decided to go ahead and dose on 15mg of foxy with my friends, who didnt want to do AMT tonight, cause it lasts so damn long.

We each had 15ml of the water mixture. It was absolutely wretched. Even chasing it with apple juice did nothing. Furthermore, that taste would find its way to emerge into everything I ate from then until the trip was over. Specifically bubble gum, which kinda absorbed that taste..... still, 15ml is SO SMALL amount of water to ingest, I have no problem ingesting it in the future.

Well, my hopes for foxy are that it would be a good recreational substance to go clubbin with (cause I hate drinking, and I am on probation, so I get piss tested for other stuff). At T+30 for the foxy, we all three notice a VERY SLIGHT stomach discomfort. Nothing major though, and was easily ignored. WE all began to feel a slight body buzz at this point too, and decided it was time to smoke some green (if anyone was paying attention before, I am on probation, but because of a little arrangement I made, I dont get tested again for 2 more months).

Either way, I didnt really wanna smoke, cause I wanted to let the trip manifest itself, and see whether it was a good substance without the addition of MJ. However, I got tempted after the blunt was rolled, and smoke as it was passed amongst us.

T+45 min I must say, that with each subsequent hit, i felt the trip coming stronger and stronger. my whole body was soon buzzing really strongly, and everything was making me smile and laugh histerically. It was very euphoric and pleasant. The sense of touch was very much magnified as I constantly rubbed my legs along the couch, and massaged my own arm.

From this point till T+2:00, I had pretty much plateaud. I was feeling GREAT. We went onto the porch, and the heat felt great. We stared at girls, and laughed and had a good time. Many times throughout this period, J would spout out STUPID stuff, that made no sense. Like, at one point, he said 'How can the horses get on the highway?' and then he sat there pondering it, as if it made perfect sense what he just said, while M and I laughed hysterically. ANother time, he said 'It's all about the flying cars.' Everytime something stupid came from him, I'd break out laughing and would get another rush of body tingling.

I never saw any real distinct visuals of any sort. At one point when I was in the bathroom trying to pee (I ended up having to attempt it sitting down, cause standing up was so much of a body rush that I felt too good to pee (if that makes any sense). Either way, while I was sitting there peeing, the light in the room, which is normally yellowish, turned to a red color, and I felt like I was in a dark room for a split second. Other than that one minor visual, and a sort of colorful rainbow glow around everything, that was it. I'd like to note that holding the flame of a lighter, and watching it dance was really fun, and we sat there watching it for a couple minutes, marveling at how it creates a rainbow for circles around it.

M said he kept seeing a car go by out of the corner of his eye, but when he looked, it wasnt there. Overall, it seems we each had different measures of how messed we were. I used my body buzz (which was fantastic), M used his vision, and J just sat there stunned and everything, and talked about how none of the commercials make sense, and how he could make television if he wanted to, cause all it is is 'the theory of now allowing two particles to take up the same space at any given time.' He was a huge tripp to listen to.

At about the 1:30 mark, I was at my peak, and kept marveling at how good sex would feel right now (I made a note to myself to do this with my gf at some point). I even started playing with myself, really slowly underneath my blanket while watching TV. It was sensational. lol. A must-do for foxy! At the 2 hour point, I found it starting to come down 'slightly.' Like, not much at all, but a deffinite dip in my body buzz and how messed up my vision was, so we smoked another two hits each, and were back where we had been upon the initial dose. It was amazing, and we all three enjoyed it ALOT. I was hoping for visuals, but maybe next time, or maybe on a higher dose (though 15mg is a relatively high dose, or so I hear).

I deffinitely found it to be the kind of substance that can be used in any environment, and would be enjoyed. My gilrfriend loves to go clubbin to rap clubs and dance, so I figure this will be a perfect option for that, cause her ass rubbing all up on me will feel REALLY NICE. Furthermore, it provided me with energy, so I wont fall asleep or want to leave prematurely. I am interested in trying it with a higher dose (and lower dose, I suppose), and see if I can muster up some clear-cut visuals.

I think that since I dont have a mg scale, the way I did, with the water, (250mg of powder, for 250ml of water), is the way to go. I just hope the powder stays stable in the water for awhile. Otherwise, I'll be out 200mg of powder. I don't the answer to this, if its stable or not.

Overall, very enoyable, and will deffinitely repeat. I am psyched to try AMT at some point also.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 15205
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 6, 2004Views: 9,382
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AMT (7), 5-MeO-DiPT (57) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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