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Highschool Blazin'
Citation:   Morgz. "Highschool Blazin': An Experience with Cannabis (exp15290)". Jun 10, 2002.

  smoked Cannabis
Near my highschool there is a small wooded area, which conceals the underground roots of all the students. At 10:50 AM the bell rings, and half the teens from the halls poor out into the open day to eat lunch, or in most cases, SMOKE WEED!

Grabbing my favorite blazing partners we gather our money, pipes, bongs, and lighters. Togethor we all march to the woods to take part in our daily session. Just entering the woods you can smell the pot pouring out beneath the trees and shrubs. Within are dozens are small groups huddled around pipes and small flickering of light.

Feeling safe and comfortable in our surroundings we begin by packing our first bowl of the day into our explosive glass pipe. The torch ignites the crisp herb, and our trip begins shortly, fallowed by harsh coughs and exsessive spitting. The surroundings take you in, and you soon feel engulfed by the sounds of birds and shifting of branches. The sun burns lightly on the back of your neck as you stagger back and forth, one foot to the other.

The sessions ends with relief and content as we all travel back to school to have lunch and join the rest of our peers in the halls. Everyone knows where we were, what we did, but what is important, we don't care.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 15290
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 10, 2002Views: 4,603
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Cannabis (1) : School (35), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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