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Too Much Too Soon
Salvia divinorum
Citation:   gmanic. "Too Much Too Soon: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp15356)". Jun 30, 2002.

3.0 g sublingual Salvia divinorum (leaves)
  0.05 g smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 5x)
Sunday morning, a couple of maryj pipes and a relaxing couple of hours led up to me taking 3 grams dried leaves soaked, and held under tounge for 25-30mins. No Music just a quiet fan.

I was feeling mildly affected by Sally, slightly disoriented feeling but euphoric and spaced, pleasent. I decided this wasnt enough, I wanted to breakthrough, never experiencing one before (I smoked salvia approx 5 times before, increasing the dose slightly each time). So I removed the leaves from mouth, and smoked 0.05g 5x standardised extract. Then laid back on my bed. Oops

I held the smoke in for a good 30 seconds, and as I released it, I then saw my room in front of me twisting like a spiral, I knew that I was in for a shock. I started feeling anxious that I didnt want to be this gone, but knew this was 'coming on' so strong that there was really nothing I could do.

Suddenly, I'm not sure if this happened strait away after my last memory, or if I had a blank?, but I think I had my eyes closed, I was suddenly at the end of my current existance I could'nt remember what I had done, but I knew I had done very wrong and this was my fault and punishment (I couldnt even begin the feelings that were going through my mind) - I also knew I had been at this ultimatum before (wow), from the right I could see/feel my world /objects detaching and getting pulled into a void, a gap of nothing, I got the feeling they were getting twisted as they went through, I could feel nipping on the edges of me(body?) as this void was pulling me in too. I knew I was the last thing to go into this void the rest of my world was completely gone. This was the most profound feeling that I can remember for about 8 years. I REALLY thought this was actually happening (mushrooms have taken me to completely new realities too, beyond belief...).

I stopped trying to get away from the void and I let myself go, I gave up my existance and accepted I had no choice, I had to go into the void. But I somehow escaped, there I was above now and still feeling/seeing my life getting sucked into the void, I opened my eyes I could see my bedroom getting sucked into the void too. THen again The nipping started, I knew it was starting to pull me in again, I was so scared I managed to jump up off my bed and stumble out of my bedroom.

Out of the bedroom door both my cats were sitting there waiting for me, thinking if I stay here the void will follow and suck my cats in, I got back into the bedroom again and shut the door. By this time I was starting to realise that Salvia had played a cruel trick on me. I climed back on my bad and tried to get something positive out of this experience, I straitened up a bit over the next few minites, afterwards chilled with a pleasend glow for a couple of hours, although still very nervous about what had happened.

I will try salvia again, but next time my dose will be more controlled. Most likely with nice spacy filtery music.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 15356
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 30, 2002Views: 8,683
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Alone (16), Difficult Experiences (5)

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