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Have a Sitter
Alcohol & Dimenhydrinate
Citation:   woke up confused. "Have a Sitter: An Experience with Alcohol & Dimenhydrinate (exp15453)". Apr 15, 2005.

4 shots oral Alcohol (liquid)
  5 tablets oral Dimenhydrinate  
I went through one of the most horrifying experiences just the other morning. I woke up the day after having taken five pills of dramamine and drinking around four to five shots of vodka. My environmet felt odd, and the memories from the evening previous were much too shoddy for my liking. In fact, it was hard for me to piece together much of what happened after I indulged in the five dramamine pills around 5:45 pm.

I had undergone a rather lengthy flight during the bulk of my day, and I figured what better way to relax when I got home than with a bit of vodka. Well, a bit turned into a lot as I consumed the alcohol and called various friends to catch up with them on the telephone. Then, around 6 I figured, 'hey, why not', and took the rest of the dramamine pills I had with me from flying. I remember sitting in front of my computer, very much out of it, and thinking that I had better go lay down and catch several hours of sleep- this was at 6:30.

The only other memory I have from that night is waking up at 12:50 a.m. when my boyfriend calls me to tell me he is on his way over. He gets to my house, we engage in sexual activity, and then I zonk out for the second time. Well, the next morning I had the hugest scare of my life. I called my boyfriend during the morning, and asked him why he decided to come over to my house the night before. He told me that we had 'discussed earlier that he would come back over.' I was completely confused, as I have no recollection of asking him over *at all*. This is when he tells me that I apparently called him up around 6:45 pm (an hour after taking the pills) and asked him over. I had been on vacation for awhile, so we apparently engaged in sexual activity the *first* time he came, which was around 7 pm.

However, I HAVE NO RECOLLECTION of this AT ALL. I checked to see that my cell phone does indeed show that I called him around 6:45 pm, but my memory IS BLANK up until 12:50 am when my phone rings. My boyfriend and I use vaginal inserts for sexual activity, and I apparently 'told him' that I had put one in when he came over earlier in the evening. I was so out of it that I likely thought I *did* put the BC in, but I checked my supply in the morning, and I had not. So, in my already increasingly frazzled state, I had to buy emergency contraceptives since we clearly had unprotected sex, and I have NO memory of it.

My boyfriend said that I was acting a little odd, but that nothing seemed too different- he just thought I was tired from travelling twenty hours that very day. When both of us learned of what happened, we were SHOCKED. I remember waking up around 12:50 am wondering *why* it was I had no clothes on, how my blinds got shut, why the vodka bottle was in the trash, and so on. I was APPALLED to learn that I had lost such control of myself that I don't even REMEMBER it AT ALL! This is coming from a woman who is usually very responsible with her drugs, but this recipe of narcotics wasn't a good one.

PLEASE BE CAREFUL with dramamine, especially when mixed with alcohol. I keep wondering what would have happened if I had wandered outside, come into contact with strangers, accidentally hurt myself at home... And if I *had* been in the company of advantageous men, I could very well have been raped and had no collection of it whatsoever.

As the saying goes - Know your mind, body, and drugs!

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 15453
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 15, 2005Views: 21,278
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