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The Cat and the Strobe
LSD, Nitrous Oxide, & Cannabis
Citation:   nickthecheese. "The Cat and the Strobe: An Experience with LSD, Nitrous Oxide, & Cannabis (exp15536)". Nov 13, 2005.

T+ 0:00
1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 1:15 1 bowl smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 1:25 1 cart. inhaled Nitrous Oxide  
Drug: LSD, in the form of one 'Easter Island' blotter tab.

Administration: Oral

Mindset: Cool! I’m really looking forward to this trip, my friend Eric and Fragment are both tripping for the first time. Friend Bob decides not to take his trip, and instead just smokes some chronic. Read a lot of reports and talked to some other people who have had these blotters before, so I’m fairly confident that its going to be a fantastic night, and that I’m going to trip absolute balls.

Also, I can’t wait to have nitrous on LSD, as I’m told it’s a crazy experience. Not really nervous since I’ve taken LSD before, however I can imagine the nervousness that Eric and Fragment must be experiencing, which is only further compounded since this is their first real 'chemical experience' of sorts. Eric and Bob have to go early the next day, so we decide to drop the cid early in the night.

Setting: Fragment’s garage/house. It’s detached from his main house so it doesn’t suffer from having the occasional and unfortunate parental walk in. There’s the main room, Frag’s bedroom, and a garage spot out the back where we had beds to sleep in. This was also where we smoked the chron. People there are me, fragment, friends Eric and Bob and Frag’s brother, 'r' and his friend Ivan.


7:09pm T + 0

Fragment, I and Eric eat one 'Easter Island' blotter each. Tastes like cardboard and generally isn’t very nice. Bob decides not to eat his at the last minute and instead just chills with us. I keep the blotter under my tongue for a while (20 mins) and then decide to chew it up. Tastes like cardboard, so I have a shot glass full of creaming soda to get rid of the taste. Frag puts on some Astral Projection, a goa trance group and we sit back and chill out for a while just talking about stuff. Myself and Eric find Frag's strobe and my UFO fibre-optic lamp and set them up for later in the night.

7:39pm T + 30

We decide to head out into the back of Frag's garage and his brother 'r' and friend Ivan decide to smoke a little of their chron to get their night started. They quickly assemble a gravity bong while I sit down and talk to Frag and Eric about stuff. I then remember that Frag has a digital camera, and decide to try and get the capture function working on it. After trying unsuccessfully to do it, I give up and meet Frag half way, he says 'no way, only 30mins into it and I'm already feeling something'. Knowing this is just an alert, I say 'It’s probably just your first alert'. He seems put at ease, and we both go back into the garage and chill there. I pack some cones of this mad cronique for 'r' and Ivan. They both get very stoned, and Bob decides to have a cone or two. Meanwhile, I start to feel the come-up of the chemical, 'weightless' arms, and the feeling of that seemingly impossible 4th dimension

7:54pm T + 45

I’m definitely feeling the come up now, the start of the eutrophic feeling that I often get with MDMA, my mood improves from good to great. Eric is complaining that 'It isn’t working' I reminisce back to when I first had LSD, when I didn’t notice any effects till I was peaking. 'You probably are, but you haven’t realised it yet' I say, hoping to quell his feelings of disappointment.

Time for a quick side note; Eric is the hardest drinker I know, for his diminutive Irish stature, his drinking prowess is well renowned in my circle of friends. At first, I thought he was simply treating it a bit like Alcohol, and not admitting that he was feeling any effects (the 'I’m not drunk, I’m more of a man than that' syndrome ) so I decided to really test the effects by giving him a bulb.

I loaded a bulb into the bulbalator, and handed it to Eric. He inhaled the entire bulb and let out a great sigh of relief as he exhaled the bulb. I waited for the effects to hit him, and hit him they did. He flopped around and made strange noises, as one does on nitrous. 'Woah!' he says 'That was one intense nang!' Around 5 mins later, he claims that he’s still feeling strange, and that it’s just the nitrous, but I know otherwise.

Meanwhile, I’m really starting to feel good, my arms feel very strange now, and walking feels great, as if I’ve got a springy step, like springs on the bottom of my shoes.

8:17pm T + 1h8mins

Fragment is on the computer doing something; the goa is still going strong and is really starting to sound much better than normal. Feel my 3rd alert, and really starting to feel the effects. While looking at things for along enough time, I think I can see like a microscope, viewing in and in with lots of levels of detail. Bob (who is quite stoned) and Eric are sitting on the futon/couch watching fragment do things on the computer.

I decide to head back into the garage, and smoke a ‘lil cron, Eric decides to come with me.

8:24pm T + 1h15mins

Myself and Eric sit either side of the small table which holds the bucket bong and the cron. I decide to use my bong, as I prefer it to the buckets, where as Eric decides to have the first bucket. Bob lies on a bed, looking decidedly stoned, Ivan and 'R' have gone into the house looking for munchies.

Eric pulls the first cone, and inhales it down. 'Wow, this goes down real easy' he remarks as he sits back and chills as I pull a cone. It is definitely easier I realise as I pull the cone. The cron seems to go down without the usual slight discomfort.

We both look at each other, Eric has pupils the size of the moon, and I suppose I do too. The cron hits and I start to feel the effects of the LSD even more. Eric looks at me and we both decide to have another cone. We then head out and see what fragments doing in the other room. My mind is really gearing up, and the little men inside my brain are starting to shovel the coal of ideas faster and faster.

8:33pm T + 1h25mins

The book that I was writing my alerts and feelings in simply has this line written there 'Wow! Fucked' And I was. By this time, the LSD had reared its head to full effect, I was just under the start of my peak. Full body rushes, great feeling of well being, feelings of floatyness cave upon my soul and I start laughing. I hear the 'Psssssssscht' of the bulbalator, and I head into the garage to see that fragment is taking a nang. I watch as his reality splits in two, his brain unable to handle the full effect of the nitrous and LSD.

I’d gotten to the stage by now when I couldn’t wait any more for my nitrous, and looking down at my hand, where I’d written earlier before 'You Have Nangs!' I ran off to grab a box and returned to the bed where fragment had been earlier before.

I load 1 bulb into the bulbalator as I hear the 'Psssssssscht' I feel relieved, I take the bulb into my lungs, and reality simply ceases to be. I feel as if I sink 10 feet down in the soft bed that I’m now lying IN. The roof melts, and I see a vision of a multi-coloured land. The trees and grass are bright green, and the road is a bright yellow colour. As I put my hands to my face, I wipe away this 'Reality' into the next one.

Just after I get up, I know that I’m peaking. The acid is very strong, and everything is in full effect now, a slight loss of motor control in the legs I notice as I walk into the main room and sit down on fragment’s futon next to Eric. Someone has turned on the strobe light and now my vision has gone haywire. Snatches of thousands of small realities bombard my senses as I start to have visions of swirling colours.

Note: This is where I stop writing in my book, for obvious reasons, namely loss of control of my brain . So the timeline gets quite demented here

9:??pm T + 1h??mins

Woah, I’m lying on the floor looking up at Ivan who has just returned from his munchies mission, but suddenly I’m no longer nickthecheese, I’m Lieutenant Commander Chris Chips of the 32nd Space Infantry. We are stranded and are trying to get back to earth, and I have just received some important news about the war. I write in the book ; 'Important news, Someone told us about the war, there will definitely be large scary blonde models who are thin and wear phat pants.'

I looked up, Ivan was one of those models, he looked at me and I was scared. I turned to 'The Strobe' our technological saviour to banish the models away. When I looked at the strobe I imagined the technology side of life, how we depend on electricity, electronic messaging and just technology in general. I was so lost in thought, I didn’t realise that I was slowly being swallowed by the carpet, so quickly I got up and sat back down on the futon.

9:??pm T + 1h??mins

I find the book again, it reads 'eVil had consumed the previous pages and I can feel it coming now'

Wow! This trip is going great. Bob is sitting around, trying not to look bored, but I can see that he is. I look at Eric he is doing something, but I can’t figure out what. Fragment is using the computer, and goes off to do something. I look at Eric and he smiles, we both go for the computer and type our thoughts down simultaneously. Some (well, most of it) is garble, but some of it makes sense to us.

Turn around to look at something and realise I have writing on my hand, it reads 'You Have Nangs!'. I leap for joy, 'I HAVE NANGS!' I say proudly, Eric looks at me, and then looks at his hand, 'Hey! I got em too!' he says. We both dance happily around until Frag comes back to find that his PC has been hijacked. 'Let’s go do some of these nangs' I say to Eric as we both go out to the garage.

We go out to the garage, and Eric loads 3 nangs into my bulbalator. He inhales the first lot, and goes crazy, I can see inside his body, the nitrous effecting his already overworked brain. Then he quickly grabs the book off me and writes 'I WILL EAT ALL OF U'. I ponder about the long term effects of drugs that can do something like this to the brain, but all that is washed away as I start loading the bulbalator.

I ponder as Eric goes limp and flops around at the last of his nang, the three things that the human body remembers to do, regardless of its state. They are; Breathe, Beat Heart, and Load Bulbalator. I tell Eric and we both laugh, we swap positions and I inhale the nitrous. Words simply cannot describe what I felt. A million different realties rush in from all sides, and I replay 100 people’s lives.

9:4?pm T + 1h ??mins

I find the book again, and I feel relieved, since I lost it. I write 'I found the pen, the book is safe but the strobe is my man pimp slowly 70’s, 80’s, early 90’s, 00, 02 > oh yeah, years of strobe'

I think I wrote this because at this time, Eric had found the controls to the strobe, and was slowly increasing its flash rate, hence the 'Years of strobe' as the strobe got faster, technology increased, like computers today vs. computers in the 70’s.

I marvelled at such technology, but remembered my ultimate goal 'I need to find my shoes so I can go outside and look at nature with a magnifying glass.'

'Oh no, strobes got me now, I’m trapped in a submarine with a strobe driver as a whore'

I think at this stage I wanted to get out, the strobe had become cumbersome and I needed to see the other side of life, nature. I think it was around this time that we ventured outside and hand some nangs outside. I was constantly perplexed, if the nature side was this beautiful, how come we were so dependent on the strobe (technology). I pondered this over some more nitrous, and not being able to find a sufficient answer, and being cold, I went inside for more goa.

10:41pm T + 2h8mins

Note: ^^ Only reason this is here because I wrote down the time in the book.

The book reads at this time 'I’ve got a pencil now, its 10:41pm' 'Fish finger is really yucky'

Ivan and 'r' had gone back into the house for more munchies and returned with fish fingers, which I tried to eat but instantly spat out because they were so yucky. It tasted like a cold, wet, furry apricot bar, but without the apricot.

I tried to chop some cron at this point, to have a little more of a smoke, but I kept thinking of other things to do, and kept getting distracted. So I wrote myself a note 'What is nickthecheese doing?' 'HE’S CHOPPING UP CHRON! DO IT!' I chopped up some chron, but got distracted and went into the strobe room and talked to Eric for a bit about how we were feeling.

11:23pm T+2h42mins

I finished chopping the cron sometime ago, but kept forgetting to smoke it. Me and Eric decided to smoke, so we had another cone each, and then went back to the strobe room, where the computer was playing some winamp AVS visualizations (Tag’s – Bitter Paper. To be exact) It looked so cool, swirling colours chopped up into flashes of reality by the strobe. I had gotten slightly sick of the goa however, so I decided to go get my headphones.

11:2?pm T+2h4?mins

I got my discman and put in 'Aphex Twin – DruQks' Disc 2.

All I can say here is that when on LSD, I have never heard more beautiful and thought provoking music. All of Aphex’s music I have enjoyed in the past, but none more than this. My movement started to mimic that of his songs, with my movements becoming mechanical at first, and then slowly changing with the music. It was, literally, a new way of life. I danced the CD all the way through, before giving it to Eric who did the same, and now appreciates Aphex more than he did before.

Unknown time, T + 3-4h

The cat enters the room. Mega shock. I love cats normally, but I just had to feel the texture of its fur now, so I picked it up and stroked it lovingly, when it looked at me and I swear it smiled. So I put it on the bed and started stroking it listening to Aphex. Ivan and fragment came in and started stroking the cat too. If you can imagine 3 guys stroking one cat, the cat was SO happy. He purred and that made me feel good, as if I had re-connected with my side of nature and my previous 'Strobe Addiction' or dependence on technology had ceased. Nature didn’t care if you had sinned in the past, but it cared that you cared about it now, so I lay there and stroked the cat some more. I renounced the strobe, with all its artificial glory, and praised the cat, and the nature of the whole world.

Unknown time, T + 5-6h

The cat, bored with lying on the bed, entered the room with the strobe, and here is where my previous conceptions fell apart. The two forces in the universe, 'The Cat' (nature) and 'The Strobe' (technology) had melded. The cat was made of liquid chrome, much like the T-1000 from Terminator 2. I quickly rushed over to the cat and stroked him, the liquid chrome coming off onto my hands, and dribbling over my fingers down onto the futon. This was amazing, how could nature and technology join as a whole, like the positive and negative of the universe, and not completely annihilate each other. I was confused, and getting tired by this stage, so Eric, myself and Fragment decided to go to bed. Bob had already gone to bed, but I hadn’t noticed.

The effects were noticeably still there, but did weren’t nearly as strong as I pulled the much softer than normal rug over myself and went to sleep.

Conclusion: Wow! What a fantastic trip I had. I couldn’t have asked for much more, maybe just a teensy bit of paranoia in the morning, when I thought Bob was insulting me, but apart from that, the entire night rocked.

Thanks for reading this far, next time I do LSD will be for self discovery, and I think I am ready to take the next step up in dosage.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 15536
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 13, 2005Views: 9,974
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