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Citation:   Dr. Nathaniel. "Edges: An Experience with Kava (exp15588)". Mar 30, 2007.

3900 mg oral Kava (capsule)
I work at a pharmacy. At work, after reading about the effects of Kava Kava, I decided to buy some. I took 20 capsules at work over a 4 hour period. I seemed to feel slightly happier but I do think part of this has to do with the fact that work was not busy- my typical stresser.

When I arrived home I decided to empty 6 capsules into a tea. 6 capsules of 150mg is equivalent to 900mg. I finally felt the numbness in the mouth that everyone has talked about. I suppose I do feel a slight edge being taken off but at the same time I am off work, the edge creator you might say. Anyway, I will try some more tests but I will say this, to feel the effects one must definitely take more than prescribed on the label 1 to 3 capsules. One capsule seems to me to be a waste, no effect. I say this because 26 in a day, equivalent to 3900 mg, just barely made me feel something. Best of luck.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 15588
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 30, 2007Views: 1,602
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Kava (30) : First Times (2), Various (28)

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