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The Odd Emptyness
Morning Glory Seeds (Heavenly Blue)
Citation:   Neogoth. "The Odd Emptyness: An Experience with Morning Glory Seeds (Heavenly Blue) (exp1565)". Jun 5, 2001.

100 seeds oral Morning Glory (seeds)
For a week I had been reading about the effects of LSA and all their sources and decided that Heavenly Blue's were the most effective and practical drug to take. I ran down to the local hardware store and bought 6 grams of the seeds, making sure that they didn't have any herbicides or pesticides in them. I them proceeded to take 100 seeds as a kind of test.

About half an hour later I began to feel the nausea and headache, but it didn't feel necessarily bad... the more I thought about it, the more abstract the feeling became. I began to look at it as a whole, with the cause, effect, and ending all clearly in sight. I could see the full nature of the discomfort in a way I never thought humanly possible.

At some point I passed out on the couch, awaking to a world that was at once familiar and foreign. Everything was where it was supposed to be, and doing what it was supposed to do, but it was also changed in ways a person could not understand, only sense. At this point I realised I was extremely sick, and in a great deal of physical pain in my limbs, although still distant, yet more profound than anything one could experience.

For around an hour I sat, staring at the wall, reflecting upon the relationship between the feelings of well and ill. I then noticed a strange lacking in everything around me. As if something was missing. I spent around 10 minutes searching physically for this missing thing before realising that all sensory perception is in one's mind, and that it is merely the state of one's consciousness that determines what something looks, tastes, sounds, or feels like, and that this in turn meant that reality was an emotion or thought proccess. The feeling disappeared very suddenly. Feeling very content somehow, I spent the rest of the day drifting between sleep and wonder at my surroundings.

For two days I felt the after-effects of it, with nausea being there more or less constantly. It had changed, however, with it no longer being a bad sensation, merely a sensation to be explored and developed.

I have only tried these seeds once more after that, with similar effects, and have gained new understanding and respect for all things in the universe. I highly recommend these seeds to anyone who wishes to find another state of thinking and being in the Universe, and I urge anyone who has tried them not to take it as a simple hallucination, but as a new way of thinking about reality.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 1565
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 5, 2001Views: 10,916
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Morning Glory (38) : Alone (16), First Times (2)

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