Seeing Shit of All Kinds
Diphenhydramine & Cannabis
Citation:   Snow White. "Seeing Shit of All Kinds: An Experience with Diphenhydramine & Cannabis (exp15737)". Mar 6, 2020.

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T+ 0:00
250 mg oral Diphenhydramine  
  T+ 1:00 400 mg oral Diphenhydramine  
  T+ 0:00 200 mg oral Diphenhydramine  
  T+ 0:00   repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
a weekend with Diphenhydramin

alight.. its time.

11:01pm... i took like what... 250mg of Diphenhydramin.then later at like 12am maybe.. i took 400mg... then at......... no wait,that was like an hour ago.i took 200mg. let me jus say sum shit... i fuckin thought there was a huge... i mean fuckin HUGE spider right next to my keyboard. i got all scared and fuckin jumped up.... looked around.i had the weirdest fuckin dreams to .i fuckin heard a gun.. and like.. if i jus focus on sumthing... it changes colors... hey that shit kinda looke lik that fuckin spider. i keep hearing ppl talking .. seeing shit outta the corner of my eye(little fuckers keep peeking around the corner..) i look at the clock and it says 9:37am and im over here trying to tell myself that its day not night... everything looks like its moving too... or i could jus be shaking...i havent been up this early in like ages.... time went by so slow...5 mins felt like 5 days. i guess i should say sumthing about this drug, or my trip to wonderland..dude....

im seeing shit all kinds. i also saw the devil... peaking outta my closet watchin me take hits. everything up close is blurry, but when its far away,thats like the only way i can see it.u know... ..i keep hearing i would mention this to ppl to try... sumthing different. jus be fuckin careful... man im fuckin tripping seeing orange and pink and... sum web design. its now 10:02 am.... i cant believeim seeing shit tho... this paper bag is following me..... my bad if u dont get this... or understand what im trying to tell u

its 9:46pm.. what a fuckin weekend..... *smiles*,got all stoned today... i look like im on crack or sum shit. my pupils r all big and shit. oh well

we shall meet again sum day

and if u feel like ur gonna puke.... jus lay down on ur back(unless ur drunk)but maybe thats not the best advice

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 15737
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 6, 2020Views: 256
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Diphenhydramine (109), Cannabis (1) : General (1), Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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