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World Cup AMT
Citation:   dicky. "World Cup AMT: An Experience with AMT (exp15757)". Erowid.org. Jul 2, 2002. erowid.org/exp/15757

  oral Alcohol  
  20 mg sublingual AMT (powder / crystals)
  10 mg oral AMT (powder / crystals)
I was staying up to watch the World Cup final after drinking a beer, a few shots of tequila and 1/2 bottle of Triple Sec, although I wasn't drunk, I was kinda tired so at around 4am I decided to try some AMT that I had previously acquired. Seeing that the structural relationship to speed I thought that it may do the trick. I first took about 10 mgs orally, just dropped the powder on my tongue. Bad mistake, the stuff tastes really ,really bad. So I decided to put the rest of it inside of a gel cap.

At around 5am I first noticed the effects. Sure enough, I started to feel speedy, and the of trisma and restlessness started to come on. It was also really hard to regulate my body temperature, one minute I'd be sweating, the next cold and clammy, and my pulse was slightly elevated. The first visuals that I got started at around 6.15am and they came on very, very subtly. First the words on the TV screen became a little hard to focus on and small white flecks seemed to pop up on the field. By 7.00am the visuals both with eyes open and closed were fully realised, geometric patterns, lots of blues, greens and reds, all of which were very amusing but nothing really that special. There was some very slight audio hallucinations. All sense of how fast time was passing was totally blurred, it seemed that the game had just ended but it was nearly 9am. I tried to have a little something to eat, but just like speed my appetite was totally destroyed, all I could push down was a slice of toast and a glass of milk. The visuals were still present and with my eyes closed I could manipulate them as I wished which was really cool.

By 10am I decided that I best lay down and I managed to sleep for about 1hr. Upon waking the visuals where still there, although no where near as vivid, but things like reading a computer screen took alot of concentration as things were really fuzzy and shimmering slightly, they lasted until about 5pm, but I could function normally throughout the day. Conversation flowed remarkably easily and unlike on LSD there wasn't any 'profound' thoughts, just things that were on my mind were very easy get across to others. The stimulant effects were present all day until about 8pm. All in all it was a great experience, kind of like taking a hit of speed with a small amount of LSA, although by 11pm I was totally drained and slept like a baby. I would advise anyone who was contemplating using this drug, to drink lots of water or Gatorade before and during the trip, and to have a big meal an hour or so before taking it as my appetite was ruined for the entire day.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 15757
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 2, 2002Views: 9,513
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AMT (7) : Alone (16), First Times (2)

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