A Mental Detune
Salvia divinorum & Cannabis
Citation:   xxxFRIARxxx. "A Mental Detune: An Experience with Salvia divinorum & Cannabis (exp15823)". Erowid.org. Dec 18, 2022. erowid.org/exp/15823

3 bowls smoked Salvia divinorum (leaves)
  Many hits smoked Cannabis (flowers)
This was the second time I've done salvia. The first time, I felt like I didn't get the full potential of it, so I needed to try it another day. This is what happened when I tried the very next day to 'Breakthrough'.

I was in a happy and excited, yet somewhat nervous mood that night. It was out in the woods at my friend's cabin; away from everyone. My three friends and I smoked Salvia.

Dose: About 3 bowls in about 15 minutes.

T 00:00 - Took large waterpipe hit. Felt things 'wave' and that everything was a little out of place.

T 03:00 - By now, I've packed the next bowl. I'm feeling it a lot quicker than I did yesterday when I smoked it. I know, to breakthrough, I needed another bowl, possibly two. So I smoked the next bowl of salvia. Upon holding the hit in for roughly 30 seconds with my eyes closed, I saw complete scenes in my head. My eyes were shut, and I could see my friends talking and hitting the bowl. I audibly say 'Woah, dudes'. They just stare as the trance music pounds on and on and on.

T 05:00 - Since I couldn't physically pack the third bowl that I needed to go completely under, I had my girlfriend pack it for me with the words 'uh, buh...' meaning 'Could you please pack this for me again?'. She packed and I toked. This time, I held it in for about 40 seconds, but this time, things would be a little different. All of the sudden, everything turned into like a little movie. Everything had a little brighter colors to them. I physically couldn't tell if my eyes were open or shut.
All of the sudden, everything turned into like a little movie. Everything had a little brighter colors to them. I physically couldn't tell if my eyes were open or shut.
This is the level of impairment that I was at. I've researched the S-A-L-V-I-A scale and I believe that my entire trip was around an 'I' level.

T 07:00 - After that hit, and staying in 'movie land' for a little while longer, I was passed a different bong with marijuana. Three tokes later, something starts to happen.

T 12:00 - I suddenly can view my body from any angle that I wanted to. While viewing my body from the 'behind my eyes 6 inches' view, I suddenly couldn't 'enter' my body anymore! It was almost like I had a near death experience, and I couldn't get back into my body! I took a serious look at how I worked, and how I viewed other people while they were talking. It has been a very introspective trip.

T 15:00 - I suddenly get paranoid that people are acting funny. I don't know how, just funny. (I'm prone to this on marijuana.) I start to tell myself 'It's only a drug, it'll wear off soon. After all, it's salvia and that's not supposed to last a long time, right?'

T *60:00* - I am still 'locked' outside of my body. I have taken about four bong loads between the last time and now. I'm feeling very depressed and sad that I can't enter myself right now. I couldn't even move my 'real' body. All I could see myself do was sit there and say 'uh..uhhh' every 10 seconds.

T 1:45:00 - I'm finally starting to see more of my 'normal view' now. I was hovering about my body for so long, I was almost beginning to think that I was dying.

T: 2:00:00 - I am currently back to my normal view, although it wants to turn into that 'other' view very badly. Things are still looking like I'm watching a movie, though.

T: 3:30:00 - I am down around maybe an 'S' on the S-A-L-V-I-A scale. I'm contemplative and quiet. Almost down.

T: 4:15:00 - I am fully down from my trip. I thought Salvia wasn't supposed to last so long.

I was expecting a 'mind-bending' time. A time to think and reflect on how my life is currently being worked. I got that and more. I got a free mental detuning.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 15823
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 18, 2022Views: 312
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Salvia divinorum (44), Cannabis (1) : General (1), Combinations (3), Mystical Experiences (9), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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