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A Very Nice and Pleasant Trip
Citation:   Mr. Roboto. "A Very Nice and Pleasant Trip: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (exp15825)". Jul 21, 2005.

400 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
The night started out when me and 2 other friends were trying to decide how to get are kicks for the night. So of course, we went to Wal-Mart.

On the way inside, one of my friends remembered that Diphenhydramine was pretty neat and that we could buy it at Wal-Mart.

So we went into Wal-Mart and stole 2 packs of 24-count pills, and then we found a 100-count bottle. We went back to my friend's house and the 2 of them dosed up with 20 pills each. Since I was driving, I decided I was going to dose when I got home. We went back to Wal-Mart where one of my friends bought a CD-player and we jacked 300 more pills.

It had been about 30 minutes and both my friends were not feeling anything. We hung out a little while, but after 70 minutes both my friends were disappointed that they were not experiencing anything. We came to the conclusion that they might have not dosed enough, or perhaps it was because they had eaten before we dosed.

I dropped my other friend off at his house, and went home. I had a nice conversation with my parents, and headed upstairs. I decided to dose 16 pills (400mg), because I did not want to do too much for my first time. I also had not eaten anything since 12PM (it was about 11:30PM). I got on AIM, and talked to my friends. One said I had to chew the pills to speed up the trip. I chewed the first two pills, but they were too disgusting for me. I swallowed the rest. One of my friends said he was seeing wavy lines on AIM.

About 10 minutes later I felt really hyper and got a slight headache. That lasted for about 20 minutes and I wasn't feeling anything at all. I waited around about 15 more minutes, and decided to watch some TV to pass the time. I was watching Sheep in the Big City (funny show). It ended, and I still wasn't feeling shit. I decided to get up and tell my friends via AIM that I wasn't feeling anything.

So I got up, but my body was very heavy. It felt like I weighed twice as much. I also could not balance at all. I felt a rush of panic coming on, but I relaxed and started to enjoy myself. I got on my computer and talked a little more. I decided to watch some more TV until I started tripping heavily. I was very anxious, because I have never hallucinated before.

So I watched TV for about 5-10 minutes, until out of the corner of my eye I saw my 7*Up can do a 90 degree turn. I was really amused by this, and told my friends about it. I started looking at things in my room, hoping to see more hallucinations.

One of the most amusing things I saw was my hub (it's a piece of network hardware), and how it kept on twitching. Almost like it was dancing. I saw a lot of things start to twitch and breath. This amused me for probably 25 or 30 minutes.

I got back on my computer and talked to some people, and this time everything I looked at seemed to be dancing. I got up and went to the bathroom (walking was very hard).

When I came back, I saw something on my desk. It was like a little ball. I looked at it closer and it unrolled and turned into a huge bug that resembled a praying mantis with wings. I grabbed a roll of paper towels and tried to hit it, but it hissed at me. This freaked me out (I screamed like a little girl) and turned on my light to get a better look at it. It turns out that it was a Halls Defence Supplement Drop wrapper. I laughed, because this was my first real trip.

After that, I kept on seeing things that were not there. Things like articles of clothing, shiny things, more bugs, and slightly translucent things that had a slight glow to them on my floor. I also saw a huge spider that crawled out from under my monitor (it was about 18' long). I am usually afraid of spiders, but I realized it was a hallucination and I just watched it. It did not bother me at all.

However, the weirdest thing is that I kept on seeing my parents. The first time I saw my parents was when I got up from my computer and my dad was standing there. I only saw him for a second or two, but it freaked me out.

The second time was more interesting, this time it was both my parents and they came into my room. They were saying something about picking up my room, and I kept on telling them to leave. I saw them again, later that night and they were just standing there talking about stuff. I also saw my sister, sitting on my desk. For some reason I thought this was hilarious (I knew it was a hallucination) and laughed for about 3 minutes. I saw my dogs a few times, and I kept on calling them to come over to me.

One of the craziest things about the trip was the auditory hallucinations. I kept on hearing my parents talking, sometimes yelling. I checked a few times, and indeed both of them were asleep. This bothered me at first, but once I realized it was indeed not real it simply amused me.

The only unpleasant experience I had was trying to fall asleep. I was in the half sleep phase for around an hour. This bothered the hell out of me, because I just wanted to go to sleep. I also noticed that my mouth got very dry, and I seemed to get flushed. I think it was because I was dehydrated. Next time, I will keep a large glass of water in my room. I also was very nauseous for around 2-3 hours. This was unpleasant, because it was hard to keep anything (including water) down. I also slept a very long time (once I was able to sleep) - I slept for over 15 hours.

In retrospect, it was a very fun night. I was very amused by the hallucinations, and very happy that it didn't make me lose my mind (I knew what was going on the whole time). It was very fun, and had almost no bad side effects during the trip.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 15825
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 21, 2005Views: 64,839
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Diphenhydramine (109) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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