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The World Cycled With Me
H.B. Woodrose
by A4R6
Citation:   A4R6. "The World Cycled With Me: An Experience with H.B. Woodrose (exp15882)". Jul 7, 2002.

6 seeds oral H.B. Woodrose
My friends and I have always been on the lookout for ways to cheaply/legally obtain substances to alter out consciences. In May, after coming up with as much information as we could on Hawaiian Baby Woodrose, we went ahead and ordered an ounce of them (~250 seeds) from what we believed to be a reliable source. They arrived on my doorstep at about 2:00pm on a friday, while me and two friends (W + T) were there.

We had already decided based on what we had learned that the easiest way to take them would be scratch everything off the outside of the seeds, rinse them under water till they're sparkling clean, then crush them up in a glass of water and drink them. I had work less than 2 hours later, but with all my impatience I decided I'd take some. I had 6, T had 6 (because he weighs less than me and W,) and W had 8, all at about 2:45.

Probobly the only thing that we felt for the first hour and a half was anticipation. A short while after I got to work at 4:00, I started to feel slightly euphoric, and couldn't help but smile and laugh every time someone looked at me. I didn't start to really go crazy until around 6:00. Thankfully, I had alot of time alone at work that night, because we were overstaffed and there was alot of work to be done elsewhere around the store. As I was running around the store doing various tasks with precision and speed that was very uncommon to me, my mind was working away in the same precise fashion. Every problem and thing I misunderstood just started to solve itself in my head.

Around 7:30, I was sent to plunge the toilet and clean up a big mess in the mens bathroom, which in my current state was a HUGE relief, because I got to seclude myself in the bathroom with the door locked. After making some wierd faces in the mirror above the sink, I got to cleaning up the mess and started wondering what T and W were doing. I knew T had a doctors appointment, so he wouldn't be around when I got back. As it turns out, he was tripping balls all through his appointment and through dinner with his family, but no one suspected it. W's whereabouts were unknown to me though, and all I could do was hope that he'd be waiting at my appartment for me when I got out of work, so I could feel the comfort of being with someone screwed up like I was.

At about 8:15 I got home, and there was W walking circles around my house, staring at the ground in front of him, with a very confused look on his face. For the next 45 minutes or so, we desperately attempted to syncronize our thoughts, spouting everything that had happened to us since I left for work, our astonishment at how well the seeds worked, and what we planned to do after that point in time. The only thing amazing about what we said is how long it took to say, due to how excited we were.

At 9:00, we showed up at our friend K's house, and desperately tried to repeat all the information we had just communicated at my house to everyone at Ks house. While we were slightly more efficient at communicating with them than we were with eachother, it still took us about an hour and a half to get everyone at Ks to eat their share of seeds. At 10:30pm: P took 12, J took 8, R took 8, W took 4 more putting him at 12, and I took 8 more, putting me at 14. After that, we drove around the city, buying food at gas stations, smoking a bowl or two here or there, frequently making guesses as to how long it would be before everyone else was tripping with me and W.

Eventually, around 11:30, we settled down at J's house, had a little bit of alcohol in the form of mudslide, and smoked some more. I believe at that point, me and W would have been coming down had it not been for the weed we were all smoking. Around midnight, everyone started noticing wierd feelings, odd breathing patterns, and cramping in their legs and arms. By 1:15, we were almost all out of our minds, running around the house with no idea what we were doing. J's girlfriend and her drunk fat friend showed up in the middle of all this, and started making us all uncomfortable, especially when J's girlfriends friend pissed herself.

At around 1:30, it started raining heavy outside. It was also rather cold, so I suspected I might get hypothermia out in the rain and not notice, but I ran out there anyways because it looked fun. P and R followed me about a block down the street while I swung and twirled a big broom stick all around like a staff. R turned back, fearing the cold, while me an P wandered about and changed between deep conversations about life, observations of our current state with the seeds, and some fighting words.

We planned on brawling once P was tripping as hard as me so that we could test our strength, but we got distracted by the departure of the two girls, and ended up following them down to the gas station at the end of the street. As we continued our conversation, it started to lose its words, but we didn't stop communicating. We just felt eachother thinking, and only barked a few words here or there to keep the flow going. For some reason that I cannot explain, me and P got really 'upset' about the time the girls went into the gas station, and started screaming obseneties in the direction of the gas station. This caused quite a commotion, and upon hearing sirens, me and P fled the scene quicker than we ever could while sober. We jumped over fences and ran up steep hills like it was nothing.

When we arrived at J's house again, soaking wet, we decided it was time to go to sleep. J was in the corner pissed off because he claimed to feel nothing from the seeds. Everyone else was asleep or just staring at the walls. P found a spot to sit down and started to watch the posters on the wall come alive. I did the same from 2:30 until about 4:30am, standing or sitting by the heater, trying to dry my clothes off.

As I looked around the room, I thought about all the different aspects of my life, and all the different futures that could be. As I cycled through each potential offshoot of my life, the world cycled with me. My vision was tinted with bright colors, corresponding to every different scenario that I forsaw. My perception of time just blurred into nothing, and all I felt was the steady rhythm of the world and the colors changing with every pulse.

Someway or another, I went straight from that experience to waking up laying in a puddle in corner of the room closest to the door. We all got in R's car and he drove everyone home. During the ride, we all just sat in awe of what had happened to us the night before and listened to the music on the radio.

Since then, I've given other people seeds and had wierd results. The smallest number anyone has ever felt anything from is 4, while a few people that took between 5 and 9 claimed to have felt nothing at all. I suppose there could just be a difference in quality between the individual seeds. That along with all the other variables like body weight and what theyve been eating makes the outcome very shaky, but overall the seeds work very well, and last a good long time. A few times, people have gotten really sick from the seeds, but I suspect its due to their inability to carry out my instructions on cleaning the seeds before they consume them. Once, someone took 16 seeds without breaking them up, and they didnt kick in for 6 hours afterwards, but when they did, he tripped a long time. simply chewing the seeds and swallowing them rather than drinking them in water seems to take the same amount of time to kick in, but causes more nausea. Its possible that just the bad taste causes the nausea, but I can't really assume that.

To anyone who tries these things, be VERY SURE to get ones that aren't chemically treated, and are from a supplier that you trust. Also, make sure they are clearly indicated as 'HAWAIIAN BABY woodrose seeds.' If you have the chemistry know-how, and would like to regularly ingest them, I suggest extracting the alkaloids from the seeds and taking it in a purified form, because the poison thats in the seeds could possibly do cumulative damage to your health if you take them alot. Overall, the best advice I can give anyone is to BE CAREFUL. Good luck.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 15882
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 7, 2002Views: 5,364
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H.B. Woodrose (26) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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