And I Have Tasted the Fruit
Citation:   Kardy Kar Kar. "And I Have Tasted the Fruit: An Experience with Opium (exp15919)". Oct 27, 2019.

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  smoked Opium  
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
3 times a year I spend time with my Father. 2 years ago he finally came clean that he grows Pot on a regular basis and well as opium poppies.

My father has done just about every drug in the book and used to manufacture meth and deal coke. So this time I was up He showed me his Opium garden nicked the sides of about 6 pods and at the end of they day gathered the sap.

It looked like about 1/4 of a bowl of pot and was a weird snot color. Dad made sure I had tasted the sap just to get the strange tingly feeling. He wrapped the Opium around a nice amount of pot and placed it into the pipe.

I was kinda afraid that I was going to try it alone, but I thought 'O well Dad says I will be ok'. I took about 4 hits and let one of my Dads friends have 2 hits one was when it was practically ash.

The smoke had a diffrent taste for sure and it went down smoother and felt cleaner. I sat on the couch watched whatever move was on I think it was 'Full Metal Jacket'.

Through the rest of the movie I just felt a bit more tired and I felt like I was a bit more internal. I just tripped on nothing mode. My body was pretty much shutdown.

So the morning after I reflected on the trip and really the only effect I got out of smoking Opium was I felt a bit more tired. I would not try it again, because it honestly just does not do anything for me and I don't feel like risking myself to addiction.

My Dad said Opiates are not a drug you want to toy with that much. So Good I tried it ,but its just not my drug.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 15919
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 27, 2019Views: 286
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Opium (63) : First Times (2), Families (41), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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