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Fun in a Shopping Centre
Citation:   cheshire catalyst. "Fun in a Shopping Centre: An Experience with Ketamine (exp15966)". Dec 29, 2018.

T+ 0:00
100 mg oral Ketamine (liquid)
  T+ 0:10 50 mg oral Ketamine (liquid)
  T+ 0:00 100 mg oral Ketamine (liquid)
My first experience on ketamine started off at a friend's house.

It was about 5 in the morning, there were 5 of us at this guy's house. His parents were vets, and downstairs was a surgery. A few weeks earlier he had done Ketamine, and we knew it was kept downstairs.

Of course, I was interested, so whilst everybody else was watching videos, myself and 'mr A' sneaked downstairs to get some. We found a syringe, and took 2ml of ketamil (ketamine hydrochloride) into the syringe. We both weigh around 70 kilos, so after looking up the recommended dosages, we knew that 100mg of K (it was 100mg per ml) each would be a reasonable dose for a first time.
We took the needle off, and each drank 1ml.

We went into the loungeroom and sat down in the dark, listening to Pink Floyd's 'The wall'. After about ten minutes (we hadn't eaten for about seven hours), we both began to feel dizzy, and my vision become unclear. I whispered to my friend that things were starting to get a bit crazy, and we both decided that another 0.5ml each would be quite fun. We went back into the surgery and took half a millilitre each.

The first thing I noticed about the effects of K (now about 25 minutes into the trip) was that everything becomes very dream-like, similar to mushrooms. I felt as though I was in another world, and nothing around me was actually happening. Although I felt unable to control my body, I could walk surprisingly well. Shutting my eyes and dancing was great fun, I could feel the air around me flowing gracefully around my body. The music was very enjoyable, although I noticed that there was a slight ringing noise around my ears. I also noticed that my vision was beginning to tunnel in, and anything that wasn't directly in my point of focus was quite hard to interpret.

We sneaked downstairs again for one more ml each, but unfortunately this time our friend busted us doing it. The strange thing was, as pissed off as he was, I felt as though it didn't matter. The whole thing seemed to be a dream, and I assumed I would wake up and it would all be over. We went back upstairs, and I couldn't move very well, so we just sat on the couch in the dark, with our eyes shut.

Although on LSD and mushrooms, I could actually SEE hallucinations, ketamine was quite different. If I shut my eyes, I could see things, but not actually SEE them (if that makes any sense). It was as though my brain could see crazy things happening, but it wasn't through my eyes. But if I opened my eyes and tried to remember what I saw, I could recall it all very clearly and vividly.

At this point, a third person sneaked downstairs and stole 1.3ml for himself. He came back upstairs and joined us.

By 6:30am, we decided to leave our friends house and catch a bus into town. We pinched an extra 3ml and caught a bus into town. It was a half hour bus ride, and I noticed I had a feeling of almost invincibility. This wasn't a physical feeling, but mental. We could do what we wanted, and if anybody had a problem with it, we could just tell them to get lost. I was in a dream, MY dream, and I just didn't care. We got off the bus and went for a pot of tea at a cafe. Mr A and I were coming down, but Mr T was still tweaking out. We put 1ml each into our tea (making around 2.5ml for each of us), and waited for the fun to start.

Although I figured having 1ml at this point would me bring me back to where I was a few hours earlier. I was wrong.
We decided to walk over to the supermarket and get a couple of packets of nitrous-oxide bulbs (we had a whipped-cream dispenser in our bag). It was while we were standing in the supermarket that things went REALLY insane. I couldn't focus properly, and I was seeing double uncontrollably. We were all babbling on quite loud, and not making a lot of sense, but at the same time we understood each other and were laughing our arses off. We decided to get the hell out of the supermarket before security hauled us out. We walked outside and over towards Target, only to find it was closed (it was only about 8am), and it seemed that everybody was staring at us, as if they knew what was going on. We didn't care though, and went across the road and inside the shopping centre. We found some comfortable lounges and sat down. Even sitting still, I couldn't focus my eyes properly (except on Mr T, who was sitting directly across from me). We decided to go into David Jones (a department store) and play the video games on display. After babbling on for another half hour or so, we got up and walked to the toilets. By now, my legs were really numb, but I could still somehow move them (almost out of the control of my brain), but I felt slow and sluggish, disconnected from the rest of my body. After messing around in various department stores, we arrived back at the same couches, and sat down again. We stayed here until we felt normal enough to go out and face the real world. It was about three hours after taking the dosage at the cafe that I finally felt 'back', although I didn't feel completely myself until the next day.

The most important things I noticed about the ketamine experience were:
A) Dissassociation between my brain and body (although my body seemed to be functioning ALMOST normally)
B) Extreme problems trying to focus my vision, particularly on fast moving objects, which left 'trails' behind them. Also a closed, tunnel-vision feeling.
C) A feeling of mental 'invulnerability', as though I was free to run the world the way I wanted, and nobody could do anything to stop me.
E) Although I couldn't see any hallucinations through my eyes, if I closed them, I could vividly 'see' wild patterns (particularly tunnels). It was as though my brain was creating the images itself, without any need for my eyes to be working. Despite what I have heard from people before, these hallucinations were NOT AT ALL ALIKE to those I have experienced on LSD or magic mushrooms.
F) no feelings of paranoia or worry, but instead everything was hilariously funny.

In conclusion, I would have to say that for a first time we probably took just the right amount, and although a shopping centre was probably not the ideal location to be taking wacky narcotics, it was still a great time. Occasional feelings of nausea and stomach-sickness do occur, and may cause some people to vomit.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 15966
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 29, 2018Views: 1,499
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), First Times (2), Music Discussion (22), Various (28)

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