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Joe Cool and the Summoning of a Higher Power
Citation:   Suds Dacdacdiaktic. "Joe Cool and the Summoning of a Higher Power: An Experience with Ketamine (exp16412)". Erowid.org. Feb 19, 2018. erowid.org/exp/16412

  smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  120 mg IM Ketamine (liquid)
    IM Ketamine (liquid)
I have been doing K for maybe five years now, and it has been my experience that the more people I do it with the more intense the experience can be. It seems to me that the K have more of an interest in a trip if more people are involved. Recently my girlfriend and I visited our friend's house where they had recently procured some vials of K. We all smoked some pot we took our needles to our stations around the room. I had two 100 mg needles in my possesion.

A Peter Gabriel album was started (the one with I Have the Touch & Shock the Monkey) and we all started injecting our initial doses into our leg muscles. My first dose was 120 mg. I came on quickly with my usual forgetable tripy visuals, and I was impressed with Peter's weird imagination.

The unique part of the trip began when I felt the need to get the K's attention by dancing. I was possessed to sit up from my laying position to perform odd gyrations with my body and hands that I would normaly not be able to conceive of let alone execute while on K. I was then transported to a large dance club that I was able to alter through my breath. I changed the club's lighting situation and sound system to make a club so kick ass that the K couldn't help wanting to be seen there. At one point the dance floor was surrounded by immense black hanging curtains. All the while I was still dancing to show the K what a good situation our gathering was.

At some point I took what I think was a 20 mg follow up dose, and the music changed to the Depeche Mode's People are People. Around this time is when I took on the persona of Snoopy's alter ego Joe Cool. It seemed to me that Snoopy was a universal form that the K would understand, and Joe Cool is a party dude that could make any party seem happening. My dancing continued off and on until I started to come down from the trip.

During this experience of making a happening dance club, I thought about how trying to make something seem exciting purely for the reason of being new can lead to shallow thinking (imagine Studio 54). New ideas need to be tempered with a respect for older art forms, ideas and beings. This is something I am trying to apply to my everyday life.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 16412
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 19, 2018Views: 772
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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