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Fairly Scary (Overdose)
Citation:   Lost Unit™. "Fairly Scary (Overdose): An Experience with Albuterol (exp16559)". Jan 13, 2005.

15 hits inhaled Pharms - Albuterol
When I was quite young, I recall an evening where I was woken up from having severe asthma. Being an asthmatic from bloody near birth I was used to this, and I took my inhaler. But my asthma was quite bad so I took it repetitively until I broke out in this horrible sweat... My asthma had cleared up but I was overdosed, in the panic of not being able to breathe earlier I had taken say 20 puffs and I was suffering now from a rapid heart beat, I was sweating very badly and shaking, my hands wouldn't stop shaking. I felt very light and confused.

This went on for a while and because I couldn't go back to sleep in this state I decided to wake up properly and read a comic book, after I finished it I sat it up on the table beside my bed and I rolled over, later I looked back and I saw the comic book sitting beside me... I thought to myself... Wait a min didn't I sit it on the table ??!? Turned out to be an hallucination.

The entire experience lasted about 4 hours, and it was fairly scary, it is a vague memory and I'm sorry I couldn't be a bit more definite about the dose... It wasn't a phenomenal amount I think it was between 10 - 20 puffs, and it was also before they started producing CFC free canisters... I reckon that they were a lot stronger then the current CFC inhalers.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 16559
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 13, 2005Views: 15,299
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Pharms - Albuterol (241) : Overdose (29), Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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