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Calm and Subtle
5-MeO-DMT (Sublingual)
Citation:   C21H23NO5. "Calm and Subtle: An Experience with 5-MeO-DMT (Sublingual) (exp16582)". Aug 5, 2002.

37 mg sublingual 5-MeO-DMT (powder / crystals)
T+ 0 minutes: I placed the amount of 37mgs under my tongue, being careful not to spill any. A burning sensation followed, and what I can describe as something akin to an intense insect bite. I could literally feel this chemical penetrating the tender tissue under my tongue and absorbing itself into my skin.

T+ ~20 minutes: Something real is happening. This can no longer by psychosomatic. I am falling into a not so clear-headed tryptamine space. I feel oddly disassociated yet still fully aware of what was happening to my body and brain. The best I can describe this point is merely the few seconds before a smoked 5-meO-DMT experience hits stretched out. I knew what was coming.

T+ ~30 minutes: I am definitely up on this drug now. Very clear, bright, colorful 5-meO-DMT visuals. There’s no mistaking these visuals, geometric patterning, etc. I make a few notes that this does not seem nearly as intense as smoked of insufflated route of administration of this drug. I’m very much peaking, but lacking the sheer terror and panic that sometimes washes over you in the midst of a smoked 5-meO-DMT experience. A few other notes that I scrawled out complaining of the taste which I could in no way wash out of my mouth during the experience. It was nagging me and poking at me. Uncomfortable.

T+ ~45 minutes: I zoned completely out staring at the ceiling of the room I was sitting in. The visuals are beautiful, as always with 5-meO-DMT and I am once again drawn into their incredibly detailed web. They seem much more calmer and subtler though than smoked 5-meO-DMT. Less depth.

T+ ~110 minutes: That’s it. I’m coming down for sure now. The visuals are waning, the small body load that I was carrying is disappearing. This is nice though. Overall, it’s a lot more calm and sedate than any other route of administration that I’ve tried. With other routes of ingestion, the comedown seems abrupt and final; this is coming in waves, like layers peeling off. Very subtle and something I feel I could learn to appreciate more as I understand this route better.

I would also like to make the comment here, that I have a seemingly (in comparison to other’s accounts) high tolerance to pain from drug administration. I was not as bothered as some were from 5-meO-DMT insufflations, etc. But even this was almost too much for me. Unless I could find someway around the intense pain that goes along with sublingual absorption (perhaps a local numbing agent could be put to use here) I don’t know if I would be too eager to repeat.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 16582
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 5, 2002Views: 14,337
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