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Paralyzing and Uncontrollable
Citation:   Ronny. "Paralyzing and Uncontrollable: An Experience with Cannabis (exp16622)". Oct 5, 2018.

1.75 g oral Cannabis (plant material)
I've been a regular pot smoker for several years now and have always enjoyed its benefits both therapeutic and entertaining but just a few days ago I had one of the most unpleasant highs I've ever had in my life. One day out of curiosity I ingested about a half eighth of dried buds and to my surprise I didn't feel anything for the first hour. After the hour passed by I started having a pounding headache and every visual/sound I could see/hear irritated me a lot. Several minutes later I ran to the bathroom and started throwing up uncontrollably and then this paralized feeling overtook me. I could feel my buddy vibrating and getting heavier so I just laid down next to the toilet bowl with an agonizing headache without being able to move. A few minutes later I heared some noises and decided to try and sleep over my pain, so I headed to my room and just laid down on my bed with the lights off. The headache dissapeared and a few minutes later I fell asleep. The next morning I could feel a slight buzz and promised myself never to ingest so much cannabis again. Laying down and shut the lights off seemed to alleviate my pain to a certain degree.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 16622
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 5, 2018Views: 859
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Cannabis (1) : Unknown Context (20), Difficult Experiences (5), General (1)

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