Home Test Kit Innacuracy!!!!!
Citation:   anony. "Home Test Kit Innacuracy!!!!!: An Experience with Morphine (exp16773)". Erowid.org. Oct 30, 2003. erowid.org/exp/16773

  oral Morphine (liquid)
I just wanted to warn everyone about the home drug test kit manufactured by DiPro. The kit I used was a five panel test kit, which means it gave results for cocaine, amphetamines, morphine, PCP, and THC.

I used this test specifically because I wanted to know whether ritalin would cause a false positive for amphetamines on the EMIT test. Aside from ritalin, recently the only substance I use is Klonopin, a benzodiazapine. However, due to a back injury and a ruptured disk I have been prescribed morphine sulfate in a liquid form.

Being a recreational user, I take quite more than my fair share. In the three days before the test I had consumed doses of between 80 and 100 mg (yes I know at my weight that should have killed me but I am at the high end of the dosing curve in every drug I have ever tried, which is most of them. For example I usually consume a gram of high quality cocaine all at once, and then several more grams over the course of a night.)

Anyway, I took the test using my first urine of the day (the most contaminated). I tested negative for everything. I had consumed 100mg of morphine sulfate the day before and I tested negative for morphine. DO NOT BUY THIS TEST!!! I purchased it from cleartest.com. They were vaguely sympathic and gave me the manufacturer's phone number. However, it was not the manufacturer's phone number at all, an answering machine answered and some guy named Michael asked me to leave a message.

This test is probably sold by several companies. If you are going to buy a home test then make sure it is not made by DiPro. Home test kits of course cannot be expected to be accurate but in this case even the worse kit should not have missed the morphine positive.

So in conclusion, AVOID DIPRO and use caution when dealing with cleartest.com.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 16773
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 30, 2003Views: 34,850
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Morphine (211), Drug Testing (59) : General (1), Not Applicable (38)

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