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Bad Trip
DXM (with Chlorpheniramine)
Citation:   Jenny. "Bad Trip: An Experience with DXM (with Chlorpheniramine) (exp16919)". Apr 3, 2007.

16 tablets oral DXM (pill / tablet)
[Erowid Note: Most Coricidin contains CPM (Chlorpheniramine Maleate) which can be dangerous in high doses. See DXM Brand Warnings for more info.]

I took my pills at about 10:30am after a night of no sleep. I've taken coricidin before my first time I took 8 pills at around 7:00pm I didnt start trippin intill I woke up the next day around 10:00am. The second time I took them I took 12 pills at around 10:pm they didnt kick in intill I woke up the next morning around 11:00am. The third time I took them I took 16 pills at about 5:00pm they kicked in at about 9:00pm.

The fourth time I took them is when I had my bad trip I took them at about 10:30am. I started trippin at about 11-11:30am but it wasnt like I tripped the first 3 times I tripped. I felt sick and I threw up once out if the who time I dont remember anything that went on around me it was like I was deaf I couldnt really hear but I could hear in a diastance talking sounded like it was miles away life seemed like it was no more. My visuals was all about death at one point it seemed like there was 2 of me one of me was watching the other me just lay there and die like I would watch myself try to talk but nothing was coming out. Then some kind of a light flashed and I was in a diferent sene like a movie but everyother sene was death either me dying or something having to do with death. Somthing I will not want to experience agian.

I was stuck the whole trip I felt like a big rock I couldnt move. It seemed lik all I could do was just lay there and die. Aorund 3:30 I was able to move and talk and see. From like 12:00 to 3:30 I couldnt move walk hear or see my vision was blured when I opened my eyes so I would lay there eyes close the whole time it was like I was going blind. When I started coming down at about 3:30 I was fine I was able to walk sme what able to hear talk and kinda see. Now its about 12:00pm the next day Im still tripping. Im in the stage of coming down though but its like Im stuck on that one stage of coming down I dont know if it will go away ever but Im still able to go on living its just Im weak and from my temples and up it feels like its floating and stuff is still a little blury. But something Im going to think hard about before I do it agian.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 16919
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 3, 2007Views: 4,047
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DXM (22) : Hangover / Days After (46), Bad Trips (6), Alone (16)

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