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You Are Not There
Citation:   DexyMike. "You Are Not There: An Experience with Hydrocodone (exp17059)". Feb 10, 2003.

25 mg oral Hydrocodone (pill / tablet)
One day i was browsing through my medicine cabinet, and i discovered Hydrocodone APAP, each pill containing 5mg. I knew that it would alter my mind, and cause a high.

I gathered five pills, and swallowed them, at around 4:00pm. As i was waiting for the effects to kick in, i layed on my couch watching TV. As the time reached 5:10pm, i noticed my thoughts were happier, with an 'it's all good' attitude. My muscles and body became very calm, and my whole body felt as if a big wave of relaxation and calmness was flowing all through my blood. My Mood was enhanced 10x more than being sober.

At about 5:30pm i began to drift in and out of sleep, dreaming while i was awake, this was so incredible, i can dream, and stay awake at the same time. One particular dream was that i was driving my parents car down the road, and cops were behind me, i got so scared and worried, and i thought that i was really driving the car, soon i got so scared i jumped off my couch, and realized i was not driving anyhting, that i was simply laying on my couch. This scared the shit out of me, as it seemed so real to me.

The rest of the day my body felt calm, and my mood was still enhanced, which was wonderful. I soon will try this again.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 17059
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 10, 2003Views: 14,292
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Hydrocodone (111) : Alone (16), First Times (2)

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