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Surge of Energy Run Through All My Limbs
Citation:   figmint. "Surge of Energy Run Through All My Limbs: An Experience with LSD (exp17127)". Jan 13, 2020.

T+ 0:00
1 tablet oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 1:30 1 tablet oral LSD (blotter / tab)
A Very Nice First Time

Ok, here's my story.....

After considering trying lsd for quite some time and researching it online until I felt ready, a good opportunity came up, so naturally I took it. I contacted an old friend, we'll call him Big J. Before I bought it he told me that it was really weak stuff, so I bought 2 hits, put me out 20 bucks, but I needed it fast and I didn't know when the next opportunity would arise.

Since I normally have a very low tolerance to psychoactives (I can get fucked off 1-2 bowls of weed if I smoke it properly) I was very careful when taking it, I didn't want to get too fucked too fast, it was only my first time, so I took the first hit at about 8:50, then I waited, at about the 45 min mark, I definately felt different, I felt very light and almost giddy, but much different then weed giddy. It felt like every object had its own gravity and was pulling me in every different direction. At about the hour and a half mark, I felt like I wasn't high enough yet, so I took the second hit, then a bit later in a much more acid induced state I drank a lot of juice and then ate an orange.

At the peak of the trip I was feeling very good, it was the cleanest feeling high I had ever felt, I wasn't burdened by the weight that seems to come with THC and alcohol.
it was the cleanest feeling high I had ever felt, I wasn't burdened by the weight that seems to come with THC and alcohol.
I didn't have any very intense visuals, the most noticable being my friends dog all of a sudden having bright green eyes, at first I thought it was light reflecting in them, but I noticed that if I moved around it didn't change, I was really enjoying this until she snapped at a passing fly and scared the bejeesus out of me, then she snapped at it again, so left the room wanting to avoid a bad trip, later on I came back and fed the dog some pizza to make myself realize it was ok.

Another interesting aspect was that I was 'feeling' things I saw, for example, if something moved fairly fast, I felt a surge of energy run through all my limbs, with made the fighting scenes in the Matrix very fun. Also, whenever I closed my eyes I had a suble vision of an eye with a dilating pupil staring at me, I had this every time I blinked until the lsd wore off, eventually it became expected and almost natural. One time I closed my eyes for a bit to see where it went, it went somewhere, I can't remember it exactly, but I do remember it turning ito a flower with long woman legs with high heels on at one point in the visual.

All in all, despite the low potency of the acid, it turned out to be good first trip, something to get me used to the feeling without the more intense parts of acid.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 17127
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 13, 2020Views: 678
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LSD (2) : First Times (2), Unknown Context (20)

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