This Trip Took the Biscuit
Citation:   Benny. "This Trip Took the Biscuit: An Experience with LSD (exp17220)". Jun 18, 2018.

  repeated smoked Cannabis - Hash (extract)
  1 glass oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
  1 tablet oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  1 tablet oral LSD (blotter / tab)
12 Month old LSD, Doesn't work?

I have taken LSD for around 10 years, smoked Cannabis for 14 years and have tried most other soft drugs. I was at my friends house, we talked about various drugs and the effects, smoked a bit of grass and watched a few videos. Just before I left to go home he said he had some old LSD tabs (about 12 months he said) he brought out the packet, it contained 10 tabs with piece signs draw in red. Goody Goody I thought, ill go home ring a couple of mates get a few vid's in and we'll have a bash. 12 month acid probably won't work anyway I thought.

Got home called 2 of my best mates, it was about 7pm when they arrived. Sat down smoked a bong with hash and downed a Tab with a can of Lager. 30 mins later and a couple of joints nothing was happening(LSD wasn't working) we each ate another LSD tab and smoked another bong, we waited for another 45mins 'nothing'. Must be duff acid, by this time we were pretty stoned so time was starting to be difficult to pin down. It was around 9pm and me and one of my mates ate another acid and smoked another bong, BANG it was almost as-if it was waiting for us to take that one extra. I have had some excellent trips before but this took the biscuit, my friend who had the 2 acid left the house in a hurry saying he had to go(poor guy didn't no what hit him). Thats left me and Dave to finnish the acid our selfs, it get patchy and hard to describe as I'm not great at writing, but I will try, while sitting on the sofa with TV in corner and CD going, my vision became completey detached from what I was looking at, the room was gone, although it was gone it used the same lines which I could see just different? Weird shit. 10 hours later after a bad trip with spiders and fireplaces and curtains we started to surface and get back to talking to each other.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 17220
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 18, 2018Views: 828
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LSD (2) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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