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Year With Occasional Smoking, Not Addicted
Tobacco - Cigarettes
by Nerv
Citation:   Nerv. "Year With Occasional Smoking, Not Addicted: An Experience with Tobacco - Cigarettes (exp17441)". Jan 10, 2019.

  repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes
My infatuation with smoking began a year ago. However, I have almost never permitted myself to smoke two days in a row. I suppose I am whom you could call an 'occasional' smoker. I smoke approximately one day a week. On that day, I have anywhere between three to six cigarettes on average.

The media makes great claims about how addictive nicotine is. But I believe that to *physically* get addicted, one must not give the body a break and some every day. I am not going to deny that, psychologically, I really would never mind having a smoke. However, I rarely act upon it unless sufficient time has past after my last smoke. I am able to function perfectly without smoking. For this reason, I know that my body is not physically addicted. I must point out though, that the mind is sometimes stronger than the body and our human power to rationalize is great.

Some have pointed out to me that eventually I will begin smoking daily. If this were to happen, it would already have- since it has been a little over a year.

I smoke mostly clove cigarrettes, which have been criticized by some. However, they are much more gentle on my throat and lungs than regular cigarrettes.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 17441
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 10, 2019Views: 1,052
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Tobacco - Cigarettes (266) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Addiction & Habituation (10), Not Applicable (38)

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