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Very Expensive Habit
Citation:   fulhu. "Very Expensive Habit: An Experience with Cocaine (exp17488)". Jun 14, 2005.

T+ 0:00
3.0 g insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 24:00 4.0 g insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
This is the story of my adiction to cocaine. I was 23 and had recently graduated in Civil Engeneering with high distinction. My godfather, who is a very rich and influent person, got me a job in a very important construction company. I was doing what I wanted to do, i really loved that job, and my salary was ridicolously high (I think my godfather's influence also contributed to that ;) ).

I smoked pot since I was 14 but I quit smoking it when I was 17 because I got tired of the buzz, it wasn't my kind of drug. I always prefered to do MDMA and LSD, but I never got really addicted to those drugs, I only did them when I was at a party or a night out (maybe 2-3 times in a month). I also did Meth a few times when I couldn't get any E, but I didn't loved it that much.

Anyway, I started working at that company and life got sweet. I bought a great car, rented a great house, bought lots of expensive clothes and started to go to the finest house and techno parties around (I live in Portugal, where the party scene is very active, anyone who has been here knows it). I was always on E at the parties, but it started to lose its magic, becoming less emphatic and more speedy. So I decided to give it a break to allow my serotonin-producer neurons to regain their capacities. I started doing Meth at the parties, but one night all my known dealers were out of it. I was going to see David Morales and I needed something to get me up, so I decided to buy E again, but my dealer asked if I wanted to do cocaine. I had never did cocaine, it had never crossed my way before but I had heard a lot of great things about it's effects (as well as lots of bad things about its addicting qualities, but people also say that about Meth and I always controled its use), so I decided that it was the time to do it. I bought 3 grams (for me and to my girlfriend (J) who was also looking for it) which costed me 150€ (1€=1dolar). The dealer also gave me 4 Vicodin pills and told me to take them when the coke was over, to reduce the anxiety.

I went to my car with my friends and told J I had bought 3 grams of coke. She was delighted to hear it and asked me if she could do a line right then. I said 'sure, I'm also going to do one right now'. We got into the car, my friends at the backseat rolled a joint and started smoking it but I didn't want any. I asked J for her makeup mirror, cuted two big lines, rolled up a bill, snorted mine and gave J the bill for her to snort. My nose felt numb but it wasn't unconfortable, nothing like the awful burning of snorting meth. About 5 minutes after snorting... I was in heaven. I had the idea that coke was nothing really special, I thought it was only a short-duration Meth, but I was wrong. It was very diferent from Meth. I felt STRONG rather than speedy, and I felt so confident... I felt like the most intelligent, strong and beatifull person in the world. I started the car and we went to the club. My driving was absolutelly perfect, I could see and hear anything and was just thinking about how great would that night be and how great that drug was. I stopped the car 2 times on our way to do more lines, and we finally arrived. The sound was perfect, my high also was, and I had the best night of my life, taking regular breaks on my dancing to go to the bathroom and snort coke. After the party was over, me and J went to my house, snorted the rest of the coke and had the most incredibble sex of our lives.

When the coke was over, I took 2 vicodins, gave the others to J, drank a few beers and got totally relaxed, thinking I had found the perfect drug and I could get it under control. How wrong I was...

The next day I was feeling like shit, tired and irritable. J asked me if we could get more vicodin to wear off that feeling, but I had a better idea. I went to my dealer's house and bought 4 more grams of coke. Went back to my house, and we kept snorting and having sex the rest of the day. I was hooked by then. I started to do it every day, as I had the money for it. I would try to stop and didn't touch coke for some days, but the high was just too good to resist. 3 Months after my first time, I was completely pale, lost 10 Kg and my nose was aching really hard. I had no problems at work because I was high all the time when working and it was pretty easy to handle it, but I decided I couldn't keep doing it, it would kill me sooner or later. So I told J we really had to stop doing coke, we had too much to live for and couldn't throw our lives away like that. The first days of abstinence were hell. We both felt terrible, J bought a little to keep her going, but we finally did it. After some weeks we were feeling all better and we started doing E again instead of coke.

I am very happy now because I could get rid of that powerfull drug. I did 1 gram last weekend and it was great, but now I know I can't keep doing it and it is just fine.

The feeling of coke is fabullous but its addictive power is even stronger, so if you choose to do it, save it for special ocasions only. And don't waste your money on cheap cocaine, it's probabbly full of Meth :P


Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 17488
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 14, 2005Views: 20,005
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Cocaine (13) : Retrospective / Summary (11), First Times (2), Not Applicable (38)

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