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Euphoric State of Consciousness
Amanita muscaria
Citation:   Steven Pollock. "Euphoric State of Consciousness: An Experience with Amanita muscaria (exp1753)". Jun 11, 2000.

4 caps oral Amanitas - A. muscaria (fresh)
  4 caps oral Amanitas - A. muscaria (dried)
[From the Journal of Psychedelic Drugs, Oct-Dec 1975]

When we returned to a friend's residence, we boiled six caps of various dimensions. Frank consumed two in his mushroom soup and I ate four (the usual dose being one to four caps). The taste was something like chicken. Curiously, I became nauseated within minutes but the feeling was fleeting. Within a half hour I noticed many peculiar effects. Audition became enhanced and synesthesias became prominent with multi-modality overflow. I began to taste odors, to small tastes, and even to hear odors and tastes. Visual disturbances were almost non-existent, but I noticed frequent recurrent gustatory, olfactory and auditory flashes. Tactile sensation became markedly enhanced. Occasional moments of nausea occurred during the first two hours of the experience, but then the pseudo-delirium settled into a profound euphoric state of consciousness. Equilibrium was affected as by ethyl alcohol throughout the intoxication, but mentation in contrast remained unimpaired. After six hours, though still under the Amanita influence, I retired for a night of sound sleep. Frank experienced a state of wellbeing and restfulness without any nausea. He felt a sharpening of auditory, gustatory, and tactile sensations. While taking a shower during the evening, Frank seemed to taste cleanliness and he later slept well.

A few days later we again tempted our fate but with dried Amanitas. I ate four caps and Frank consumed three. Each of us experienced a pleasant intoxication with only mild sensory alterations including subtle echo patterns. Frank did feel nauseated, however, for the first half hour, but the predominant effect afterwards was induction of euphoria. A nonintoxicated observer noticed no distinctive changes in our behavior.

Exp Year: 1975ExpID: 1753
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 11, 2000Views: 23,582
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Amanitas - A. muscaria (70) : General (1), Retrospective / Summary (11), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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