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A Fluid World That Slowed Down Until It Almost Stopped
Citation:   MrMagoo. "A Fluid World That Slowed Down Until It Almost Stopped: An Experience with Ketamine (exp17587)". Jan 25, 2018.

T+ 0:00
2 tablets   MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 3:30 1 bump insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 3:45 1 bump insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
First off, I am not very experienced with ketamine or mdma, so I can't really identify which chemicals are responsible for what.

Approx 3 or 4 hours of partying and rolling hard from the E, against my better judgement a sample of K seemed like a nice idea. 1 bump and very mild effects, heavy feet, slight change in mood. Approx. 15 min later 1 more bump, I proceeded to dance like a mad man for the next 15 minutes. (After the fact I spoke to my friend who was supplying it, an experienced k user, he told me it was really strong and I should have stayed away from it.)

I stopped for water, and to soak up the scenery. I immediately noticed something was different, a few minutes later, that something had progressed into a strong disorientation.. being ‘lost’ I would look at a fixture. ( bar, entrance, bathroom ) and orient myself. As soon as I looked away I was lost again. (left, right, forward, backward up and down all the same) With the feeling of being lost, my perception of distance was all messed up. I was standing looking at the bar top I could swear I had my nose an inch from it being very close up. When in fact I was just standing beside it looking at it. That also went for most of the fixtures, walls, and people.

My field of vision seemed like a painting… this is kind of tough to explain but here goes. Think of it like a wet painting. The background or scenery seemed normal, when a person would walk by they would warp and smear the background as if they were smearing paint.

At this point a friend I was with was with me trying to talk me down. He managed to, and I stood leaning against the bar for a few minutes. All the moving objects and people were going in slow motion and consistently slowing down. For a few minutes I panicked thinking “What happens if everything stops?”
All the moving objects and people were going in slow motion and consistently slowing down. For a few minutes I panicked thinking “What happens if everything stops?”

The sensation of slowing time was controllable and I calmed down. I became a little nauseated and thought I should hit the bathroom just in case. When I started moving, it seemed as though I was walking very slowly and my feet were slamming the ground with a lot of force. My friend reassured me I was walking fine. Walking to the bathroom I had a very strong sense that the floors were not horizontal, in fact they kept tilting like I was in a fun house. I would take 1 step and the floor was pitched hard right, another step left, front, behind etc etc.

My friend deposited me in a bathroom stall and waited for me to come back to normal. All the sensations I stated kept rushing for about 15 minutes then started ebbing and back down 5 minutes later.

After it subsided I realized I was out of it for about 40 minutes and I felt fine. It was a powerful experience, and probably could have enjoyed it had I remained calm.

(mmm reality soup)

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 17587
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 25, 2018Views: 1,157
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