Enhancing Personal Chemistry
MDMA & Piracetam
Citation:   Ms. Nomer. "Enhancing Personal Chemistry: An Experience with MDMA & Piracetam (exp17675)". Erowid.org. Sep 23, 2002. erowid.org/exp/17675

T+ 0:00
1600 mg oral Piracetam (capsule)
  T+ 5:00 1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 7:30 1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
My sweetie, G, and I have taken Piracetam regularly for the last year and feel it's made a difference in the MDMA experiences we've had. We usually only do MDMA every couple of months, so we hadn't built a tolerance or anything, but we do feel the Piracetam regimen has boosted the effects of the MDMA considerably.

We generally take 1600 mg of Piracetam daily, along with our usual vitamin regimen that consists of a multivitamin, B complex vitamin, 400 IU of vitamin E and a flaxseed oil capsule.

In addition to our usual morning vitamin regimen, this day we preloaded for the trip with 200 mg. Alpha-Lipoic acid, 500 mg. L-tyrosine, another B complex, and 1000 mg of vitamin C about two hours before we planned to drop the first hit. I also added 300 mg. of magnesium to counteract the jaw clenching, something G isn't troubled by.

Setting: Our home on a sunny summer day. This is our usual setting - sometimes we'll get together with another close friend or two, but usually it's just the two of us. We look at our MDMA trips as times to put aside our everyday cares and reinforce our connection and our appreciation of each other and the lives we share.

1:00p.m.We dropped the first hit and puttered around for a half hour or so, then decided to go for a walk around the neighborhood.

1:45p.m. We're getting the first alerts right on schedule. I'm feeling a little light-headed and wobbly in the legs, though enjoying the feel of the sun on my face and the scent of flowers and bushes that we pass. This is the main difference with Piracetam added to the mix -I find that the rush can be a little overpowering to the point of needing to sit for a spell. I also notice pronounced nystagmus right away, which in the past has only hit me after I've taken more than one pill. G is feeling a little tired and keeps yawning, but this could be because he's been working all morning.

2:00p.m. We're back at the house feeling good but wobbly-high. We sit and talk for a few minutes, then I head off to take a shower. I'm ultra careful in the shower as my balance isn't quite perfect, but once under the water, I enjoy the sensual experience of the shower.

2:15p.m. We head off to bed for some snuggling and pillow talk. We enjoy making love lazily, sharing past experiences and being open and free with one another. We feel connected and secure in each other's arms.

3:15p.m. The first hit appears to be wearing off, but here's another difference on the Piracetam regimen - the comedown is very gradual, whereas before taking Piracetam, I'd experience the comedown as a quick drop down to sobriety. Once I felt that first clear-headed moment, sobriety came back with a big thunk. Now I float back up, then have a sober moment, then back up, etc.

3:30p.m. We take another hit of MDMA and supplement with 200 mg Alpha-Lipoic Acid and 500 mg vitamin C. I also take another 600 mg of magnesium. Throughout the day, we're also careful to stay hydrated, drinking water and a Gatorade-type drink.

4:00p.m. We're almost immediately off again. From previous experience we know this pill will hit us the hardest. We take off on another walk around the neighborhood, feeling chatty and energetic. We take a camera with us, because we often like to take pictures on our MDMA-enhanced walks, but we're caught up in our conversation and the way the light hits the leaves and flowers and we forget all about taking pictures. Sometimes when we walk this way I feel more balanced if we hold hands - it can almost seem like walking a tightrope if I don't hold on! When G suggests we take a particular route or turn I hear a chirpy ?Ok!? come out of me. It's funny because it's not how I usually sound, but to my ears it encapsulizes the happiness and good vibes I'm feeling.

4:30p.m. We're back at the house and ready to hear some music. We take turns playing songs for each other. The higher we get, the harder it becomes to read the buttons on the stereo and to find the CDs we want. I shudder to think of people trying to drive while high - trying to do detailed, close-up tasks like this really illustrates how drastically one's perception is altered. We dance and sing along with the records. Frequent time outs for hugs and snuggles. The Piracetam intensifies the body rush, or at least that's my experience. While I feel energized and speedy, I also feel wobbly and need to sit down once in a while to rest. Singing along with the music feels great - another way to let that beautiful energy out of my body.

As evening comes on, we gradually float down and head to bed early, tired but glowing from the day.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 17675
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 23, 2002Views: 30,857
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MDMA (3), Piracetam (95) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Relationships (44), Sex Discussion (14), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3)

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