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Dancing with Yage
LSD & Smoked Yage Mixture
Citation:   Ayleen Elspeth. "Dancing with Yage: An Experience with LSD & Smoked Yage Mixture (exp1777)". Jun 13, 2000.

T+ 0:00
3 hits oral LSD  
  T+ 4:30 4 hits smoked Ayahuasca (liquid)
I have receive several requests for this, so I decided to post it. If you have and questions at all, please let me know. I am very willing to talk about all of this. Names have been changed.

Three people were involved in the beginning: Ayleen(me), Madalene, and Gabe. Five people were involved by the end: Ayleen, Madalene, Gabe, Matti, and LloydJoel.

I began the evening by ingesting three sugar cubes coated in a normal dose of LSD at about 10:00pm. As the trip progressed, we noticed that it was good and strong, yet somehow subtle. If I thought about trails, I saw them really well, but if I wasn't thinking about it, they really didn't exist. Things melted and breathed as usual. We considered it a very subtle trip on clean LSD. After spending time outside in a garden/arboretum/park type area, we went to Gabe's room. His room was very messy and it did not appeal to me at all, but I wanted us to stick together. We smoked some MJ. LloydJoel came up in conversation and I told Gabe that he and Matti were tripping on the same LSD that we were. Gabe called LloydJoel and we went over about 1:30 am.

LloydJoel's room is very small but welcoming an comfortable to me. Bowls and bongs were being passed, but I didn't really want any more pot. Madalene and I were both passing it up. Matti said 'Will you smoke some more if I pack the Hookah?' and of course we said yes because it is an honor to smoke from that Hookah.

LloydJoel was showing Gabe a bottle of a Yage mixture. Gabe was going to drink it and asked if we would watch him the next few days and help him through it. Madelene and I agreed. Gabe decided that it was not a good time to do it, so they set it aside and proceeded to pack the Hookah. LloydJoel poured a thick liquid on the MJ and when Matti lit it, it made the most wonderful crackling sound. I assumed it was just hash oil, knowing LloydJoel. After about two hits I realized that this stuff was having a profound effect on me. I took a 3rd and maybe even a 4th and then quit. I noticed I was getting rather fucked up. Matti said something like 'Howz it goin, Ayleen?' I responded in a cocky way 'Oh, it's goin. I'm goin'. They all looked at me.

LloydJoel asked 'Are you tripping?' 'Oh yes.' I answered. 'Really?' he was surprised 'Very much so. I am really tripping.' I said.

The thought that we had smoked the Yage didn't really enter my train of thought.

Things all came so fast I will try hard to account for all I saw. LloydJoel says it often comes back to the dancer a little later, but I still have a lot of things that I have not figured out yet. I started to notice a body buzz like never before. I was extremely relaxed and a floating feeling was all around me. I watched LloydJoel A LOT. I guess I just stared at him for the majority of the time. I couldn't help it. I wanted him to tell me things. He has studied a lot about why we trip and he knows much about tripping. I don't know what I wanted him to tell me. I wanted us to connect, which isn't uncommon in a trip. I am always looking to connect with people when I trip.

I stared a LloydJoel's hands and moved mine rhythmically thinking I could control what he did. I don't think I should use the word control, because power was not a part of this. It was a communication. I wanted to communicate with LloydJoel, but I didn't want to speak. When I trip, there are often times when I feel as if I should say very little because I feel like I am speaking foolishly with jumbled words. This was especially true this night.

I noticed patterns being very mobile and colors were odd. I don't think it's necessarily that they were intensified, but as if I was looking through some sort of filter, though I don't know what color it would have been. Odd. It was at this oint that I began to think that perhaps we had smoked Yage, but I was still very unsure & didn't care to think dwell on that. It wasn't that it was an unpleasant thought, I just didn't care.

I felt like I was the only one experiencing this and just figured it was because I was the least experienced (Matti, LloydJoel, and Gabe have lost count by now and I think I found out that Madalene and I are about equi-experienced meaning about 12 trips). I didn't say anything for words were such a strain, yet I like it when people asked me questions and I didn't have to think what to say, I just gave the answer, which seemed to be the truth. Things get jumbled now. LloydJoel asked me if I was seeing digitally and I said yes. He asked 'When you close your eyes, are the visuals more intense?' and I said yes. I think his mentioning things triggered them to happen. As he was saying things, I was letting them happen, thinking about them, then it felt like they had been going on all night. LloydJoel showed me a CD case for some reason and I said I had been seeing a pattern that was on the cover all night. I tried to converse, because the question thing was going so well. It was difficult and I wound up just not saying anything.

I decided to close my eye as and indulge in in some CEV's*. I feel that they are 50% of the dance. LloydJoel said for us to breathe though the third eye in our inner forehead and there it was. I said 'Well sure, that makes so much sense'. because it helped my breathing, and it shows my inability to express my thoughts well.

My CEV's were weirding me out. I felt like I was falling into a place where I would be not allowed to return to normal consciousness. This opened several times and I would shoot my eyes open, sit up straight, and say 'Okay, now act normal'. to myself and I would breathe. Breathing helped calm me in the beginning, but would then bring me back into a state of meditation. Keeping my eyes shut was becoming more and more comfortable.

From this point forward, I don't know what LloydJoel said and what my mind fabricated LloydJoel as saying. I will explain this further in a bit. I don't know what would happen, but several times I felt as if I communicated with LloydJoel w/o talking. This was what I wanted to happen and I was so excited. I looked at him and said 'Why does that keep happening?' He just shrugged his shoulders and continued to dance / move. The instance of me asking LloydJoel and his attention to me and his shrugging is all *very clear*. It is one of the most vivid thing of the whole trip. I just kept saying how bizarre it all was.

At first I believed that w/o a doubt LloydJoel and I communicated. I now realize that it probably didn't happen. After the communication point, my CEV's and OEV's ** were one and the same, which I understand is common while dancing with Yage. I would see the same thing if my eyes were open as if they were closed./ I would see the same scene as reality, only intense things would happen. I didn't know I had my eyes closed sometimes. That is why I think I may have been CEVing the ESP type thing.

I felt us all connecting as a group on some other plane of existence where no other matter existed (felt like being on a planet or something, I don't know). LloydJoel mentioned something about all of us being brought together by tunnels of energy or something. I saw the tunnels and they were red. But I thought LloydJoel said something about we 6 connecting, and we only numbered 5.

We left LloydJoel's room and went to the quiet room where we lay on a bed in the dark. Madelene was outside and Matti was still in the bedroom. From this point on I don't remember my visuals at all. I remember more feelings and shit. I thought I would never come down. LloydJoel and Gabe were very good about reassuring me and I trusted them. As I believed them, I reminded myself that this was something to fly and dance with. I would smile and breathe deeply, but eventually I would fall back into the sad slump. In general, it was a happy trip. The fears of not coming down did not last long. I thought about my family when I thought about not coming down. I didn't want to lose them or my friends. And thought it is a sad thought, it made me happy because I have them. My body just wanted to lay down, so I did. I shut my eyes and the room was dark so there weren't any scenes of reality to be transformed into CEV's. I don't remember what I saw. I was cold. I was also very comatose, so I decided to go home and lay in my own bed. Madalene agreed to walk back with me.

I thought I had to throw up when I was home, but it wasn't like nausea, it was more just a sensation. I tried. I almost forced. Nothing happened. I told myself I had to stay in bed because I didn't want to encounter people ( I live in a dorm ). It was 7:00 am or so. I lay in bed flying for a while. I have no idea what I thought about. It was mostly pleasant, I feel, though I tossed and turned a lot.

I guess I fell asleep for about 2 hours. I am not sure how I figured out this time, but I remember telling that to people when I entered back into society at dinner. The entire trip lasted about 17 hours. From 5am to 7am it is foggy. From 7am till 3pm, (or 5pm if you count the sleeping) it is all a blank except for I remember my rooommate talking on then phone once.

The trip was not bad. On the walk home, I kept telling Madalene 'Yes, I had a great time, but okay, it's time to come down now. The game is over'. This is where my suspicion that we smoked Yage was confirmed by Madalene.

I think that Yage is a strong drug not only in the sense that it is intense, but more than that. It is serious and can take the dancer places. I now know what to expect, though I I can never expect it to be the same. There is an environment created within me that will be the same and I think it will offer a familiar comfort so I can now explore things while flying. I guess I had too many uncertainties last time. There WILL be a next time, and Ayahuasca will take me somewhere. I want to travel. I will travel.

*CEV's are closed eye visuals
**OEV's are open eye visuals


Exp Year: ExpID: 1777
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 13, 2000Views: 17,394
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