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Weak but Pleasant
Cacti - T. pachanoi
Citation:   Phase. "Weak but Pleasant: An Experience with Cacti - T. pachanoi (exp1780)". Jun 14, 2000.

25 g oral Cacti - T. pachanoi (dried)
Yesterday I has a San Pedro cactus experience, and I'd just like to type up a quick post for those of you who are wondering about trying San Pedro. A friend of mine ordered 50 dried grams of San Pedro cactus from an online supplier. He boiled it in 6 cups of water for about 3 hours, and when the liquid was brown, murky and extremely bitter-soap tasting, he stopped. He strained out the cactus solids, and divided the remaining liquid into two glasses, and cooled it in the frige untill it was drinkable.

Due to the extreme bitter taste, he added orange juice to each large glass, but it did little to cover the taste. I am not exagerating when I say it tasted as if i was drinking pure liquid dish-soap.

We both drank it slowly over about 30 mins, and when i was finished drinking that foul, basic felt almost identical as if i had consumed 2 alcoholic drinks. This light intoxication lasted approx. 2 hours, when we both began to feel the mescalines effects come on.

*There was no sickness or vomiting*

For the next 10 hours, we had a rather weak, but pleasant mescaline trip. It felt like a very long time to come on, compared with LSD or psilocybin, but it was soon unmistakibly mescaline. The intensity of the experience was weak, roughly comparable to ~40ug of LSD.

It faded away about 9 hours after the efects were first felt, it completely faded to baseline.

If i were to to it again, and prepare the cactus myself...I would boil it for at least 6 hours, and i would would drink the solution from all 50 dried grams of cactus...i would not share it with a friend. It's intresting to try once, but not really worth the time, effort and expense compared to more potent and available psychedelics, IMHO.

Exp Year: 1994ExpID: 1780
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 14, 2000Views: 41,581
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Cacti - T. pachanoi (64) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2), General (1)

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