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Acute Manic Attack
Citation:   Crackerboy O'Brien. "Acute Manic Attack: An Experience with Caffeine (exp1785)". Jun 14, 2000.

  oral Caffeine (liquid)
Just thought you guys be interested in a little bit of excitement that came my way last night...

After drinking an entire pot of coffee in less than an hour, around 4 AM this morning I became completely and utterly convinced that the world was going to end at exactly 6:11 AM this morning, just before first light. I'm not making this up. I completely lost my shit in a way that I have never lost it before.

I was so freaked out, I wanted to die. Not to kill myself, just die. I had absolutely no desire to write, speak, eat, blow my nose, kiss, think or be in general...I wanted to die and I was convinced that when the world did end in a blaze of hellfire, I was gonna be judged by the Lord Almighty and burn for eternity. I wrote four pages about it in my journal as I was hip deep in the shitpool that was a stimulant overdose induced, acute manic/paranoiac attack that triggered some sort of neoclassical, metaphysical, socio-religious and philosophical crisis.

Needless to say this sucked real bad, and I didn't real start to come down off this until around 5 in the morning. This particularly blew 'cos I had two labs to finish by today (already late...I only ended up getting one done), and I didn't feel a hell of a lot of incentive to expound on the vibrational-rotational modes of carbon dioxide molecules being that the world was going to come to a screeching halt and I was hurtling toward that inevitable eternity of suffering and agony reserved for unrepentant pagans and unbelievers like m'self...

I fully snapped out of it at 6:20 and now my stomach feels like I swallowed a pound of Drain-O and pixie stick cocktails...

If anyone ever tells you caffeine is not a psychoactive drug when taken in significantly large quantities, spit on their nose. And if you find the bastard that sprinkled LSD on my French Roast, cut out his tongue...

Exp Year: 1995ExpID: 1785
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 14, 2000Views: 39,453
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Caffeine (11) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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