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By the Pound
by Vlan
Citation:   Vlan. "By the Pound: An Experience with Kava (exp17903)". Sep 13, 2005.

    Kava (ground / crushed)
I learned about Kava.. from.. my mother. I dont think she intended for me to use my information on healing herbs in an attempt for englightenment, or to get high. However, I am of a diffrent mind. After learning about it, I started searching. I had a pound, which I ordered from the herbal store. Finely powdered, it cost me 30 dollars. I took a 44 ounce thirstbuster cup, filled it partway with water, and then stirred in Kava till it was like mud.. now.. this isnt for everyone. I have to say it was about an ounce. I did this several times, and it made me so I couldnt even lift my hand, it was like eating pain pills, I was layed out on my couch, smiling, I could hardly move my hands. Very happy and relaxed, no stomach problems, and I actually enjoyed the earthy taste of it. When I got to the end of the bag, about 2 ounces left, I put 3 bottles of rubbing alcohol in a pot, lit it up, dumped the kava into it and let it cook for a while. I know it doesnt sound safe, but as long as it doesnt slop over (put it in a big pot). I then strained it repeatedly, and then through a nylon, then I poured the extra liquid out on plates and let it dry. It took a day or so, then I had this greenish brown sticky resin looking stuff. Not much, a couple grams at most.

I got a little bit on the end of a large safety pin, and lit it and inhaled the fumes. It had a burnt brownie taste (Ive been told by people it tastes exactly like cocaine-rock being smoked) It was a nice taste mostly, and then immediately my head started spinning and I had to sit down while my body rushed, in this form, it definately did not act as a relaxant, my stomach clenched up and everything shimmered, it was great, it lasts for about 15-30 minutes. The thing to remember with Kava is that every pound I buy is going to be different potency, and I have to say, the more I pay, the better it probally will be. Ive only bought it 3 times, pounds at a time, but the first was the best, the second was mild, this last one is alright.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 17903
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 13, 2005Views: 22,529
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Kava (30) : Preparation / Recipes (30), Unknown Context (20)

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