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Smacked Me Down
by Dubs
Citation:   Dubs. "Smacked Me Down: An Experience with Heroin (exp17946)". Erowid.org. Feb 13, 2021. erowid.org/exp/17946

  repeated IV Heroin (liquid)
I'll make this short, I may have had some mind altering experiences, but those days are far behind me, I am a totally different person.

Oxy's were easy to get and you know we would just take the little blue coding off and the feeling was incredible. I had tried numerous other drugs but these didn't seem dangerous, since they weren't really 'illegal.' Well they got too expensive, and you know what is cheaper? HERION! I started snorting then injecting.

I am not concerned with the feeling I had really nothing compares, I just don't have a problem in the world. This is about my related behaviors.

Once I was addicted, yes addicted, I could not believe how much I lied. My day was one lie after another. Where I was, who I was with, what I was doing. Its hard enough to keep 50 lies straight, now try that doped up.

Besides the lying, the main problem was lack of money. I'd steal, from my moms purse, my brothers room... It really sucks when the guy at the pon shop knows your name. My dad probably didn't want that watch his dad gave him, right? I feel I had no other choice. Stereos, rings, cd's, its all got to go, I felt like the late night car salesman. Holding down a job forget it.

The most surprising part of my 'journey' I'm not sure that word does the experience justice, is the rehab. programs. If anyone is thinking of trying herion one thing that has stuck with me more then anything. At the first meeting the leader ask the crowd how many people here had relapsed, every hand, every single hand went up, but mine I thought I am different. Well 6 months and 4 clinics later, I am raising my hand with them.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 17946
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 13, 2021Views: 918
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Heroin (27) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Not Applicable (38)

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