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Never Again
Citation:   Anonymous. "Never Again: An Experience with Nutmeg (exp17952)". Jul 20, 2005.

3 nuts oral Nutmeg (plant material)
1 week ago I decided to try nutmeg again. At 2:00 pm I thoroughly chewed 3 very large whole nutmegs to a fine powder in my mouth. My friend ate 2 small ones. We had both done this before (not this quantity) and had not very much disliked the effects. 5 days before we had tried a reasonable amount of powder and had not had very much effect.

Eating that much was difficult - I felt sick for a while afterwards. After one hour I was getting the effects usually felt after about 5 hours. I was feeling a bit drunkish. After two hours I was getting strong falling and pulling feelings throughout my body (the effects usually felt after about 5+ hours).

Three and a half hours after I ate the nuts my short term memory was total shit. I was lying down on my bed, and my friend was sitting on my chair. I wondered how much stronger this was going to get. I was beginning to freak out slightly.

Three and a half to four hours after eating I was listening to music. It was playing strange tricks on my mind. When there were quiet parts, which I could not make out properly because I was so wasted, my brain turned them into other weird sounds. I heard echoing voices and all sorts of things that made me more and more confused.

I kept on looking at my watch to see how long it had been, which was the main thing that was freaking me out. Time was warped. My short term memory was getting worse and worse. I couldn't finish a sentence sometimes. I couldn't even remember what I had said 5 seconds ago. This freaked me out.

At about 6:00 pm I noticed I was getting a bad cottonmouth, which (of course) water didn't help. It was getting so bad I started having a little trouble breathing. I considered telling my mum what I had done because I was feeling so shit, which made me feel worse.

By then I was getting open eye visuals which moved in time with the music. I could barely stay with reality.

At about 6:20 I walked into my kitchen and my mum told me to bring the recycling bin up my driveway. I said I really, really, really didn't want to. In the end me and my friend decided to take it up. He wasn't having much effects at this time. Half way up my long drive way I said to go really fast and get it over with. Before this my heart was already beating fast.

When I got back in my house I lay back down on my bed. My heart was beating very fast and extremely hard. My body started uncontrollably shaking which felt horrible. My mouth was totally dry and I couldn't breath very well. My head was aching on the top very badly. It felt like it was shrinking, drying up, or being compressed very hard.

With all of these nasty effects I began freaking out very bad. I was totally out of it. When I had taken it before it had peaked at around 8 hours after ingestion, about at least double the effects at 4 hours. Because I knew this I thought I might have overdosed and die, and I really didn't feel like dyeing. I was freaking out like crazy and felt like I was nearly fully fainted. I had to tell my mom in case I needed to get to a doctor. I found my mum and told her what I had done - big mistake - which I think took me about 3 minutes to get 1 damn sentence out of my mouth. She didn't take it too well (duh!) and called the poisons information centre. They didn't tell us anything else that I didn't know already. This was nearly 7:00 pm. By then I could barely talk. I tried taking a bite out of a banana, which I nearly threw up. This totally temporarily fixed my severe cottonmouth, and I could breath again.

If only I had found that out before I had totally freaked out and told mum, I probably would have realised that I shouldn't. I didn't end up going to hospital since I could breath again, so I just lay down in bed. I continued to see and hear things for the next few hours, although the uncontrollable shaking was then only going on and off. My headache didn't stop, but I felt a lot better. At about 12:30 I fell asleep.

The next day I was still totally out of it. I was in shit for doing that, but since I was very relaxed it didn't bother me that much. I spent the whole day lying around zoned out.

The next four days I had a damn hangover! A dizzy, spinning head, uncoordinated and I couldn't think for shit. I had to work the last two days of my hangover, and I really regretted doing that shit. I was just out of it, and I felt like shit.

The nutmegs I took altogether weighed probably about 16-20 grams. From the effects I got they could have perhaps been very potent ones, or I could be a bit sensitive to them. I will probably never do nutmeg again because of the severe side effects. If I had just one more large nut I would have been in hospital, and had an even worse hangover.

There is a small margin where light effects suddenly turn into intense and unwanted effects with nutmeg. If at all, it should only be used in small amounts to get light euphoria - just a little too much and there will be no euphoria, only nasty side effects. Taking too much can screw my sense of reality, and feeling of being fully with it, for a long time.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 17952
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 20, 2005Views: 12,190
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Nutmeg (41) : Hangover / Days After (46), Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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