Shamanic Student
by halo
Citation:   halo. "Shamanic Student: An Experience with DXM (exp18044)". Oct 9, 2002.

900 mg oral DXM (gel tab)
      Pharms - Chlorpromazine  
I have tripped many times before using Dxm and other substances, but recently I had an experience that is almost disturbing and I'd like to know if anyone else has been through anything similar. I've used Robitussin DM to trip many times, but I came across DexAlone in my local drug store. The package contained thirty gelcaps filled with 30 mg of liquid DXM with no other ingredients. I took all thirty - 900 mg, which I have exceeded in the past using cough syrup. Needless to say, I tripped hard. I lost all grip on time and faded from reality several times, but the disturbing factor is an experience that I have shared with mescaline and (marginally) LSD. It is difficult to describe, so I'll use the best comparative example I can find.

Consider the movie The Matrix - right after Neo turns silver. I'm sitting on my bed listening to my boyfriend talk and his voice begins to sound almost digitalized or filtered. Then, I'm spiraling down and away from the sound and reality - both are fading. Some time later, I'm not sure how long, I come to with a feeling of having been AWAY - not unconcious but not HERE....somewhere ELSE. According to my boyfriend, I was lying on the bed unable to speak, move, or even blink for about three hours so he made me take some thorazine to try and bring me down.

Honestly, I enjoyed the experience - I even continued to trip into the next evening after sleeping - but I would like to hear ideas on this all too wierd event. I've considered inter-planary travel, and so has my boyfriend, who is normally skeptical of such things. He elaborated that I wasn't HERE....he didn't know where I was but not HERE. It wasn't unpleasant at all, just freaky.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 18044
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 9, 2002Views: 745
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