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Nothings Happened - Tried Many Times
Salvia divinorum (10X Extract) & Salvia divinorum (Leaves)
Citation:   crazymoondog. "Nothings Happened - Tried Many Times: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (10X Extract) & Salvia divinorum (Leaves) (exp18074)". Apr 4, 2018.

.25 g smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 10x)
  7 g smoked Salvia divinorum (leaves)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
My first experience with Salvia was over a year ago when I purchased 1 G of 10x extract dried Salvia leaves from a local store. It was over 50 dollars and my friend and I were assured it would last a good while if smoked frugaly. (lol @frugaly) When I arrived at my friends house I prepared my double cooler bong and my friend proceeded to smoke. He held in his hits for a good 15 sec. And took toke afrter toke... I began to get frustrated because after 5 min. He had smoked 3/4 of a g. Of it and said he felt nothing but slightly dreamy-headed. I smoked the rest and felt no diffrent than he did. After this I wrote the company who had made it, and they offered my money back if I could show a receipt which of course I hadn't kept. I asked how old the product was and they said that the 10x extract was a brand new product... Weird.

Fast-forward to about 3 months ago when I obtained 1/4 oz of fresh leaves from an online source. Since the first experience I had done my research on salvia and concluded that either the flame was not hot enough or the water in the bbong was the problem, so when my leaves arrived I had a pipe ready and was prepared to hold the flame on the leaves for a while. I brought two friends over to partake in the salvia realm with me; the whole time building them up about all of the experience reports I had read online anout fractal tunnels, talking with surreal entities, etcetc... In short, I ended up smoking almost the whole quarter of leaves with a slightly more intense sxperience than my first time. I smoked it with cannabis also,.. With the same result.... Usually cannabis realy helps to activate substances more quickly with me, but I guess not this stuff.

So, I wasted my money and I looked like an ass in front of my friends.. Lol live and learn..
Be safe,

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 18074
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 4, 2018Views: 696
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