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Around and Around and Around
Nitrous Oxide
Citation:   Insidedown. "Around and Around and Around: An Experience with Nitrous Oxide (exp18108)". Jan 29, 2018.

  repeated inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
    repeated inhaled Oxygen (gas)
[Erowid Note: Our understanding of the literature is that there is no such thing as safe recreational use of volatile solvents, aerosols and other street inhalants : their psychoactive effects are inseparable from nerve and organ damage. We have chosen to include these reports to help document the real world use of inhalants, but their inclusion is not intended to imply that they are anything but dangerous.]
I recently had nose surgery to fix a severly broken nose. NEVER beofre had I tried nitrous/whippet and so on, Until i was being wheeled in on a stretcher and they brought a tank on Bubble Gum flavored Nitrous..NO LIE it was flavored or it was a flavored mask...either way it was bubble gum flavored. The experience of nitrous is amazing. I inhaled enough to be knocked out. I first begin to notice vocal distortion in my voice, then as I inhaled more, the voices of the people around me changed, and I experience amazing visuals(the room began to spin) slow at first and faster the more I inhaled, the the image of the room began to multiply as it spun it was one of the most amazing things ive ever experienced. Then right before I began to pass out the image seemed to 'crumple' from the edges in and it went to a complete black. then I woke up and it was over. this experience has lead me to habitual usage of whippets and tetrafluorethane (computer duster)

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 18108
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 29, 2018Views: 1,308
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Nitrous Oxide (40) : General (1), Addiction & Habituation (10), Medical Use (47), Hospital (36)

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