Trapped in the Library?
by Gyre
Citation:   Gyre. "Trapped in the Library?: An Experience with Dreaming (exp18124)". Nov 5, 2003.

Here is a dream come true in my life...It happened today when I rode my bike to the library. The ride was about 1 1/2 miles, not too long but long enough to where I would want to sit down before I went in. After catching up with my breath I got this wierd feeling I was being watched so I looked towards the window behind me, did not see anyone and wondered at my paranoia. I usually have these feelings was it something I should worry about? Hmm, I thought. I looked behind me again at the bookshelves through the window, there was a sign telling what kind of books were on that isle. Fiction. All of a sudden I got this strange vision, it was me trapped in the library staring out the window at a girl sitting on a bench outside, desperately hoping she would not come in. I remembered staring at this Fiction plaque in the dream hoping I would remember it so I could know in real life that this was important. I thought, wow could this have been me? The person inside and outside at the same time?

Well I was certainly a little freaked out by this and thought it best not to go inside. I knew that by the time I decided to leave to go back home the dream vanished and the girl (me) inside would not know if I left or not. My rational mind kept telling me to not worry, but why would something like this happen, why would I get this vision if it was not to tell me something? I guess that proves my worry wrong that with all the drugs I've done I still have a rational mind left. I know these things can happen, it is not uncommon for a dream to come true but damn it sure is worth sharing and I hope it helps someone besides me.
Thankyou for reading

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 18124
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 5, 2003Views: 11,700
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